Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis | DescTools-package DescTools |
Concatenates Two Strings Without Any Separator | %c% Concatenate Strings |
Like Operator | %like any% %like% |
Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements | %nin% |
Determines If And How Extensively Two Date Ranges Overlap | %overlaps% Interval Overlap |
Coordinates for "bottomright", etc. | ABCCoords |
Combine Multidimensional Arrays | Abind |
Display Compact Abstract of a Data Frame | Abstract print.abstract |
Add a Month to a Date | AddMonths |
Raw Simple And Extended Percentage Agreement | Agree |
Index Vector of All Values Involved in Ties | AllDuplicated |
Test Multiple Objects for Exact Equality | AllIdentical |
Anderson-Darling Test of Goodness-of-Fit | AndersonDarlingTest |
Append Elements to Objects | Append Append.default Append.matrix |
Append Rownames to a Data Frame | AppendRowNames |
Convert xtabs To matrix | as.matrix.xtabs |
A Class for Dealing with the Yearmonth Format | AddMonths.ym as.Date.ym as.ym |
Convert ASCII Codes to Characters and Vice Versa | AscToChar CharToAsc |
Get Aspect Ratio of the Current Plot | Asp |
Cramer's V, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Phi Coefficient Yule's Q and Y, Tschuprow's T | ContCoef CramerV Phi TschuprowT YuleQ YuleY |
Association Measures | Assocs print.Assocs |
Atkinson Index - A Measure of Inequality. | Atkinson |
Area Under the Curve | AUC |
Place a Break Mark on an Axis | AxisBreak |
Compute Axis Tickmark Locations (For POSIXct Axis) | axTicks.Date axTicks.POSIXct |
Barnard's Unconditional Test | BarnardTest |
Bartels Rank Test of Randomness | BartelsRankTest |
Place Value Labels on a Barplot | BarText |
Converts Numbers From Binmode, Octmode or Hexmode to Decimal and Vice Versa | BinToDec DecToBin DecToHex DecToOct HexToDec OctToDec |
Benford's Distribution | Benford dBenf pBenf qBenf rBenf |
Operators To Check, If a Value Lies Within Or Outside a Given Range | %()% %(]% %)(% %)[% %:% %::% %[)% %[]% %](% %][% Between |
Background of a Plot | Bg |
Bhapkar Marginal Homogeneity Test | BhapkarTest |
Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions | BinomCI |
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Binomial Confidence Interval | BinomCIn |
Confidence Interval for a Difference of Binomials | BinomDiffCI |
Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Binomial Proportions | BinomRatioCI |
Binary Tree | BinTree PlotBinTree |
Simple Bootstrap Confidence Intervals | BootCI |
Box Cox Transformation | BoxCox BoxCoxInv |
Automatic Selection of Box Cox Transformation Parameter | BoxCoxLambda |
Add Text in a Box to a Plot | BoxedText BoxedText.default |
Breslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios | BreslowDayTest |
Breusch-Godfrey Test | BreuschGodfreyTest |
Brier Score for Assessing Prediction Accuracy | BrierScore BrierScore.default BrierScore.glm |
Confidence Intervals for the BrierScore | BrierScoreCI |
Add a Legend to a Bubble Plot | BubbleLegend |
Canvas for Geometric Plotting | Canvas |
Transform Cartesian to Polar/Spherical Coordinates and Vice Versa | CartToPol CartToSph PolToCart SphToCart |
Function to write a table | CatTable |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient | CCC |
Calculates Begin and End Angle From a List of Given Angles in Clockwise Mode | Clockwise |
Find the Closest Value | Closest |
Return the First Element Not Being NA | Coalesce |
Cochran-Armitage Test for Trend | CochranArmitageTest |
Cochran's Q test | CochranQTest CochranQTest.default CochranQTest.formula |
Coefficient of Variation | CoefVar CoefVar.aov CoefVar.default CoefVar.lm CoefVarCI |
Cohen's Effect Size | CohenD |
Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa | CohenKappa |
Collapse Levels of a Table | CollapseTable |
Add a ColorLegend to a Plot | ColorLegend |
Convert Colors to Grey/Grayscale | ColToGray ColToGrey |
Convert a Color or a RGB-color Into Hex String | ColToHex RgbToHex |
R Color to HSV Conversion | ColToHsv |
Equivalent Opaque Color for Transparent Color | ColToOpaque |
Color to RGB Conversion | ColToRgb |
Column Wrap | ColumnWrap |
Get All Pairs Out of One or Two Sets of Elements | CombPairs |
Find Complete Columns | CompleteColumns |
Concordant and Discordant Pairs | ConDisPairs |
Confusion Matrix And Associated Statistics | Conf Conf.default Conf.glm Conf.matrix Conf.multinom Conf.randomForest Conf.regr Conf.rpart Conf.svm Conf.table plot.Conf print.Conf Sens Spec |
Add Connection Lines to a Barplot | ConnLines |
Conover's Test of Multiple Comparisons | ConoverTest ConoverTest.default ConoverTest.formula |
Pairwise Contrasts | Contrasts |
Unit Conversion and Metrix Prefixes | CmToPts ConvUnit d.prefix d.units PtsToCm |
Covariance and Correlation (Matrices) | Cor Cov |
Confidence Intervals for Pearson Correlation | CorCI |
Find the Correlations for a Set x of Variables With Set y Removed | CorPart |
Polychoric Correlation | CorPolychor print.CorPolychor |
Count Complete Cases | CountCompCases print.CountCompCases |
Count Work Days Between Two Dates | CountWorkDays |
Get HWZ Datasets | CourseData |
Cramer-von Mises Test for Normality | CramerVonMisesTest |
Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha | CronbachAlpha |
Vector Cross Product | Cross |
n-dimensional Vector Cross Product | CrossN |
C Statistic (Area Under the ROC Curve) | Cstat Cstat.default Cstat.glm |
Confidence Intervals for the C Statistic (AUC) | CstatCI |
Create a Factor Variable by Cutting an Age Variable | CutAge CutGen |
Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous Variable | CutQ |
ISO 3166-1 Country Codes | d.countries |
Data diamonds | |
Periodic Table of Elements | d.periodic |
Data pizza | |
Classification of Scotch Single Malts | d.whisky |
Datasets for Probabilistic Simulation | cards roulette tarot |
Basic Date Functions | Day Day<- DiffDays360 HmsToMinute Hour IsLeapYear IsWeekend LastDayOfMonth Minute Month Month.ym MonthDays Now Quarter Second Timezone Today Week Weekday Year Year.ym YearDay YearDays YearMonth YearWeek |
Build-in Constants Extension | |
Convert Degrees to Radians and Vice Versa | DegToRad RadToDeg |
Several Methods of Depreciation of an Asset | DB Depreciation SLN SYD |
Describe Data | Desc Desc.character Desc.Date Desc.default Desc.factor Desc.formula Desc.integer Desc.labelled Desc.list Desc.logical Desc.numeric Desc.ordered Desc.palette Desc.table Desc.ts plot.Desc print.Desc |
Some Aliases Set for Convenience | N |
Some Custom Palettes | hblue hecru hgreen horange hred hyellow Pal plot.palette |
DescTools Options | DescToolsOptions |
Calculate Digit Sum | DigitSum |
Rao's Diversity Coefficient | DivCoef |
Maximal value of Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropy | DivCoefMax |
Calculate Divisors | Divisors |
Evaluates a Function Groupwise | DoBy DoBy.default DoBy.formula |
Fast Alternative To The Internal '' | DoCall |
Scalar Product | Dot |
Draw Elliptic Arc(s) | DrawArc |
Draw Confidence Band | DrawBand |
Draw a Bezier Curve | DrawBezier |
Draw a Circle | DrawCircle |
Draw an Ellipse | DrawEllipse |
Draw Regular Polygon(s) | DrawRegPolygon |
Generate Dummy Codes for a Factor | Dummy |
Dunnett's Test for Comparing Several Treatments With a Control | DunnettTest DunnettTest.default DunnettTest.formula |
Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons | DunnTest DunnTest.default DunnTest.formula print.DunnTest |
Durbin-Watson Test | DurbinWatsonTest |
Shannon Entropy and Mutual Information | Entropy MutInf |
Greenhouse-Geisser And Huynh-Feldt Epsilons | Eps |
Add Error Bars to an Existing Plot | ErrBars |
Effect Size Calculations for ANOVAs | aovlDetails aovlErrorTerms EtaSq EtaSq.aovlist EtaSq.lm |
Expected Value and Variance | EX VarX |
Expected Frequencies | ExpFreq |
Kth Smallest/Largest Values | HighLow Large Small |
Distributions of Maxima and Minima | dExtrVal pExtrVal qExtrVal rExtrVal |
Prime Factorization of Integers | Factorize |
Retrieve a Function's Arguments | FctArgs |
Fibonacci Numbers | Fibonacci |
Get Color on a Defined Color Range | FindColor |
Determine Highly Correlated Variables | FindCorr |
Fisher z-Transformation | FisherZ FisherZInv |
Convert a Text to a Table | FixToTable |
Format Numbers and Dates | as.CDateFmt as.fmt Fmt Format Format.default Format.matrix Format.table |
Fractional Part and Maximal Digits of a Numeric Value | Frac MaxDigits Ndec Prec |
The Frechet Distribution | dFrechet pFrechet qFrechet rFrechet |
Frequency Table for a Single Variable | Freq print.Freq |
Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Frequency Distribution | Freq2D Freq2D.default Freq2D.formula |
Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple | GCD LCM |
The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution | dGenExtrVal pGenExtrVal qGenExtrVal rGenExtrVal |
The Generalized Pareto Distribution | dGenPareto pGenPareto qGenPareto rGenPareto |
Generate Random Groups | GenRandGroups |
Geometric Series | GeomSn |
Geometric Transformations | GeomTrans |
Return All Used Functions Within a Function | GetCalls |
Get a Handle to a Running Word/Excel Instance | GetCurrWrd GetCurrXL |
Create a New Word Instance | createCOMReference GetNewWrd WrdKill |
Create a New Excel Instance | GetNewXL |
Gini Coefficient | Gini |
Gini-Simpson Coefficient, Gini-Deltas coefficient and Hunter-Gaston Index | GiniDeltas GiniSimpson HunterGaston |
Geometric Mean and Standard Deviation | Gmean Gsd |
The Gompertz distribution | dGompertz Gompertz pGompertz qGompertz rGompertz |
Goodman Kruskal's Gamma | GoodmanKruskalGamma |
Goodman Kruskal's Tau | GoodmanKruskalTau |
G-Test for Count Data | GTest |
The Gumbel Distribution | dGumbel pGumbel qGumbel rGumbel |
Concentration Measures | Herfindahl Rosenbluth |
Identify Closest Match to a Color Given by a Hexadecimal String | HexToCol |
Convert a Hexstring Color to a Matrix With Three Red/Green/Blue Rows | HexToRgb |
Harmonic Mean and Its Confidence Interval | Hmean |
Convert h:m:s To/From Seconds | HmsToSec SecToHms |
Hodges-Lehmann Estimator of Location | HodgesLehmann |
Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics | HoeffD print.HoeffD |
Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Tests | HosmerLemeshowTest |
Hotelling's T2 Test | HotellingsT2Test HotellingsT2Test.default HotellingsT2Test.formula |
Safe (generalized) Huber M-Estimator of Location | HuberM |
Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 From Shrout and Fleiss) | ICC print.ICC |
Identify Points In a Plot Using a Formula | identify.formula |
Identify Points in Plot Lying Within a Rectangle or Polygon | IdentifyA IdentifyA.default IdentifyA.formula |
Fill in NA values with the values of the nearest neighbours | ImputeKnn |
Is a Specific Argument in the Dots-Arguments? | InDots |
The (weighted) Interquartile Range | IQRw |
Check If an Object Is of Type Date | IsDate |
Test If a Variable Contains Only Two Unique Values | Flags IsDichotomous |
Is a Distance Matrix Euclidean? | IsEuclid summary.dist |
Checks If An Integer Is Even Or Odd | IsOdd |
IsPrime Property | IsPrime |
Check Windows Pointer | IsValidHwnd |
(Robust) Jarque Bera Test | JarqueBeraTest |
Exact Version of Jonckheere-Terpstra Test | JonckheereTerpstraTest JonckheereTerpstraTest.default JonckheereTerpstraTest.formula |
Kappa for m Raters | KappaM |
Kendall's Tau-a | KendallTauA |
Kendall's Tau-b | KendallTauB |
Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance W | KendallW |
List Keywords For R Manual Pages | Keywords |
Krippendorff's Alpha Reliability Coefficient | KrippAlpha |
Label, Unit Attribute of an Object | Label Label<- Labels Labels<- Unit Unit<- |
Goodman Kruskal Lambda | Lambda |
Lorenz Curve | Lc Lc.default Lc.formula lines.Lc Lorenz curve plot.Lc plot.Lclist predict.Lc |
Lehmacher's Test for Marginal Homogenity | LehmacherTest print.mtest |
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance | LeveneTest LeveneTest.default LeveneTest.formula LeveneTest.lm |
Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test for Normality | LillieTest |
Add a Linear Regression Line | lines.lm |
Add a Loess or a Spline Smoother | lines.loess lines.smooth.spline lines.SmoothSpline |
Convert Line Coordinates To User Coordinates | LineToUser |
Linear Scaling | LinScale |
List Objects, Functions Or Data in a Package | LsFct LsObj |
Last Observation Carried Forward | LOCF LOCF.default LOCF.matrix |
Local Outlier Factor | LOF |
Generalized Logit and Inverse Logit Function | Logit LogitInv |
Started Logarithmic Transformation and Its Inverse | LogSt LogStInv |
Median Absolute Deviation | MAD |
Confidence Intervals for Median Absolute Deviations | MADCI |
Set Plot Margins and Distances | Mar Mgp |
Matrix Power | %^% matpow |
(Weighted) Arithmetic Mean | Mean Mean.default Mean.Freq |
Mean Absolute Deviation From a Center Point | MeanAD |
Confidence Intervals for the Mean | MeanCI |
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Confidence Interval for a Mean | MeanCIn |
Confidence Interval For Difference of Means | MeanDiffCI MeanDiffCI.default MeanDiffCI.formula |
Standard Error of Mean | MeanSE |
Measures of Accuracy | MAE MAE.default MAE.lm MAPE MAPE.default MAPE.lm MSE MSE.default MSE.lm NMAE NMSE RMSE RMSE.default RMSE.lm SMAPE SMAPE.default SMAPE.lm |
Skewness and Kurtosis | Kurt Skew |
(Weighted) Median Value | Median Median.default Median.factor Median.Freq |
Confidence Interval for the Median | MedianCI |
Multiple Gsub | Mgsub |
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test | MHChisqTest |
Find the Midpoints of a Numeric Vector | Midx |
Compute the Convex Combination of Two Colors | MixColor |
Mode, Most Frequent Value(s) | Mode |
Moses Test of Extreme Reactions | MosesTest MosesTest.default MosesTest.formula |
Moving Average | MoveAvg |
Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions | MultinomCI |
Merge Multiple Data Frames | MultMerge |
Replace NAs in a Factor by a Given Level | NALevel |
Nemenyi Test | NemenyiTest NemenyiTest.default NemenyiTest.formula |
As Numeric Factor | Nf |
Short Selection of Financial Mathematical Functions | IRR NPV NPVFixBond OPR YTM |
Non Zero Elements | NZ |
Odds Ratio Estimation and Confidence Intervals | OddsRatio OddsRatio.default OddsRatio.glm OddsRatio.multinom OddsRatio.zeroinfl |
Distributions of Order Statistics | dOrder pOrder rOrder |
Transform Odds Ratio to Relative Risk | ORToRelRisk ORToRelRisk.default ORToRelRisk.OddsRatio |
Outlier | Outlier |
Exact Page Test for Ordered Alternatives | PageTest PageTest.default PageTest.formula |
Pairwise Calculations | PairApply |
Parse a Formula and Create a Model Frame | ParseFormula |
Parse a SAS Dataline Command | ParseSASDatalines |
Password Dialog | PasswordDlg |
Get PDF Manual of a Package From CRAN | PDFManual |
Pearson Chi-Square Test for Normality | PearsonTest |
Percent Ranks | PercentRank |
Percentage Table | Margins PercTable PercTable.default PercTable.formula PercTable.matrix PercTable.table print.PercTable |
Number and Samples for Permutations or Combinations of a Set | CombN CombSet Permn |
Phrasing Results of t-Test | Phrase |
Combined Plot of a Time Series and Its ACF and PACF | PlotACF PlotGACF |
Create an Area Plot | PlotArea PlotArea.default PlotArea.formula |
Bivariate Boxplot | compute.bagplot plot.bagplot PlotBag PlotBagPairs |
Draw a Bubble Plot | PlotBubble PlotBubble.default PlotBubble.formula |
Plot Candlestick Chart | PlotCandlestick |
Cash Flow Plot | PlotCashFlow |
Plot Circular Plot | PlotCirc |
Plot Conditional Densities | PlotConDens |
Plot a Correlation Matrix | PlotCorr |
Cleveland's Dot Plots | PlotDot PlotDotCI |
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function | PlotECDF |
Chernoff Faces | PlotFaces |
Frequency Distribution Plot | PlotFdist |
Plot a Function | PlotFun |
Plot Lines | PlotLinesA |
Logarithmic Plot | PlotLog |
Scatterplot With Marginal Densities | PlotMarDens |
Plot Missing Data | PlotMiss |
Cycle Plot for Seasonal Effects of an Univariate Time Series | PlotMonth |
Mosaic Plots | PlotMosaic |
Plot Multiple Density Curves | PlotMultiDens PlotMultiDens.default PlotMultiDens.formula |
Extended Scatterplot Matrices | PlotPairs |
Plot Values on a Circular Grid | PlotPolar |
Plot Probability Distribution | PlotProbDist |
Draw a Back To Back Pyramid Plot | PlotPyramid |
QQ-Plot for Any Distribution | PlotQQ |
Ternary or Triangular Plots | PlotTernary |
Create a Treemap | PlotTreemap |
Plot a Venn Diagram | PlotVenn |
Plot Violins Instead of Boxplots | PlotViolin PlotViolin.default PlotViolin.formula |
Plot a Web of Connected Points | PlotWeb |
Periodic Payment of an Annuity. | IPMT PMT PPMT RBAL |
Poisson Confidence Interval | PoissonCI |
Plot a Grid in Polar Coordinates | PolarGrid |
Post-Hoc Tests | plot.PostHocTest PostHocTest PostHocTest.aov PostHocTest.matrix PostHocTest.table print.PostHocTest |
Power Calculations for ChiSquared Tests | power.chisq.test |
Add Slides, Insert Texts and Plots to PowerPoint | GetCurrPP GetNewPP PpAddSlide PpPlot PpText |
"Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions | dRevGumbel pRevGumbel qRevGumbel qRevGumbelExp rRevGumbel |
Find All Primes Less Than n | Primes |
Pseudo R2 Statistics | PseudoR2 |
Point in Polygon | PtInPoly |
(Weighted) Sample Quantiles | Quantile |
Confidence Interval for Any Quantile | QuantileCI |
Lagged Quotients | Quot |
(Robust) Range | Range |
Fast Sample Ranks | Rank |
Read SPSS Datafiles and Return It in Good Old Style Data Frame Structure | ReadSPSS |
Recode a Factor | Recode |
Recyle a List of Elements | Recycle |
Relative Risk | RelRisk |
Change Names of a Named Object | Rename |
Reorder the Levels of a Factor | reorder.factor |
Reverse Elements of a Vector, a Matrix, a Table, an Array or a Data.frame | Rev Rev.array Rev.default Rev.matrix Rev.table |
Reverse Codes | RevCode |
The Reverse Weibull Distribution | dNegWeibull dRevWeibull pNegWeibull pRevWeibull qNegWeibull qRevWeibull rNegWeibull rRevWeibull |
Conversion Between RGB and CMYK | CmykToCmy CmykToRgb CmyToCmyk RgbToCmy |
Find the Nearest Named R-Color to a Given RGB-Color | LongToRgb RgbToCol RgbToLong |
Create Pairs of Correlated Random Numbers | RndPairs RndWord |
Robust Scaling With Median and Mad | RobScale |
Convert Roman Numerals to Integers | RomanToInt |
Rotate a Geometric Structure | Rotate |
Round to Multiple | RoundTo |
How Long Has the RSession Been Running? | RSessionAlive RTempdirAlive |
Confidence Intervals for the R squared of a Linear Model | RSqCI |
Random Numbers Adding Up to 1 | rSum21 |
Runs Test for Randomness | RunsTest RunsTest.default RunsTest.formula |
Random Samples and Permutations | Sample |
Sample Twins | SampleTwins |
Saves an R Object Under a Different Name | SaveAs |
Scheffe Test for Pairwise and Otherwise Comparisons | ScheffeTest ScheffeTest.aov ScheffeTest.default ScheffeTest.formula |
(Weighted) Standard Deviation | SD SDN |
Send a Mail Using Outlook as Mail Client | SendOutlookMail |
Add an Alpha Channel To a Color | Fade SetAlpha |
Set the Names in an Object | SetNames |
Produce a Shaded Curve | Shade |
Shapiro-Francia Test for Normality | ShapiroFranciaTest |
Siegel-Tukey Test For Equality In Variability | SiegelTukeyRank SiegelTukeyTest SiegelTukeyTest.default SiegelTukeyTest.formula |
Sign Test | SignTest SignTest.default SignTest.formula |
Formula Interface For 'smooth.spline' | SmoothSpline SmoothSpline.default SmoothSpline.formula |
Return Some Randomly Chosen Elements of an Object | Some Some.default Some.matrix |
Check a Vector For Being Numeric, Zero Or a Whole Number | IsNumeric IsWhole IsZero |
Somers' Delta | SomersDelta |
Sort a Vector, a Matrix, a Table or a Data.frame | Sort Sort.default Sort.matrix Sort.table |
Sort Strings with Embedded Numbers Based on Their Numeric Order | OrderMixed SortMixed |
Spearman Rank Correlation | SpearmanRho |
Formula Interface for Split | split.formula |
Split a Vector Into Several Pieces at Given Positions | SplitAt |
Split Path In Drive, Path, Filename | SplitPath |
Split Data Frame String Column Into Multiple Columns | SplitToCol |
Split Strings of a Vector and Provide Dummy Codes for Found Pieces | SplitToDummy |
Spread Out a Vector of Numbers To a Minimum Interval | SpreadOut |
Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plot | Stamp |
Standardized Model Coefficients | PartialSD StdCoef |
Compactly Display the Structure of any R Object | Str |
String Abbreviation | StrAbbr |
String Alignment | StrAlign |
Stratified Sampling | Strata |
Capitalize the First Letter of a String | StrCap |
Split a String into a Number of Sections of Defined Length | StrChop |
Count Words in a String | StrCountW |
Compute Distances Between Strings | StrDist |
Extract Part of a String | StrExtract StrExtractBetween |
Remove Attributes from an Object | SetAttr StripAttr |
Does a String Contain Only Numeric Data | StrIsNumeric |
Returns the Left Or the Right Part Of a String | StrLeft StrRight |
Pad a String With Justification | StrPad |
Find Position of First Occurrence Of a String | StrPos |
Reverse a String | StrRev |
Spell a String Using the NATO Phonetic or the Morse Alphabet | StrSpell |
Split the Elements of a Character Vector | StrSplit |
Remove Leading/Trailing Whitespace From A String | StrTrim |
Truncate Strings and Add Ellipses If a String is Truncated. | StrTrunc |
Extract All Numeric Values From a String | StrVal |
Stuart-Maxwell Marginal Homogeneity Test | StuartMaxwellTest |
Stuart Tau-c | StuartTauC |
Add Up Partial Confidence Intervals to a Total CI | SumCI |
System Information | FindRProfile SysInfo |
Choose Textcolor Depending on Background Color | TextContrastColor |
Converts String To a Table | TextToTable |
Theil's U Index of Inequality | TheilU |
Plot Boxed Annotation | TitleRect |
Comparison Table For Linear Models | ModSummary ModSummary.glm ModSummary.lm plot.TMod print.TMod TMod |
Reshape a Vector From Long to Wide Shape Or Vice Versa | ToLong ToWide |
Create Table One Describing Baseline Characteristics | TOne |
Send Objects to Word | ToWrd ToWrd.character ToWrd.default ToWrd.Freq ToWrd.ftable ToWrd.lm ToWrd.table ToWrd.TMod ToWrd.TOne |
Send Objects to Word and Bookmark Them | ToWrdB |
Send a Plot to Word and Bookmark it | ToWrdPlot |
The Triangular Distribution | dTri pTri qTri rTri Triangular |
Trim a Vector | Trim |
Student's t-Test Based on Sample Statistics | TTestA |
Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust Mean | TukeyBiweight |
Describe a Variable by a Factor with Two Levels | ToWrd.TwoGroups TwoGroups TwoGroups.default TwoGroups.formula |
Uncertainty Coefficient | UncertCoef |
Finds many (all) roots of one equation within an interval | UnirootAll |
Recover Original Data From Contingency Table | Untable Untable.default |
Inverse Which | Unwhich |
van der Waerden Test | VanWaerdenTest VanWaerdenTest.default VanWaerdenTest.formula |
Variance | Var Var.default Var.Freq VarN |
Confidence Intervals for the Variance | VarCI |
ChiSquare Test for One Variance and F Test to Compare Two Variances | VarTest VarTest.default VarTest.formula |
Vector Rotation (Shift Elements) | VecRot VecShift |
Variance Inflation Factors | VIF |
Vigenere Cypher | Vigenere |
Von Neumann's Successive Difference Test | VonNeumannTest |
Word VBA Constants | wdConst xlConst |
Winsorize (Replace Extreme Values by Less Extreme Ones) | Winsorize |
Execute Function with Temporary Options | WithOptions |
Woolf Test For Homogeneity in 2x2xk Tables | WoolfTest |
Some Functions to Handle MS-Word Bookmarks | WrdBookmark WrdDeleteBookmark WrdGoto WrdInsertBookmark WrdUpdateBookmark |
Insert Caption to Word | WrdCaption |
Return the Cell Range Of a Word Table | WrdCellRange |
Get or Set the Font in Word | WrdFont WrdFont<- |
Format Cells Of a Word Table | WrdFormatCells |
Merges Cells Of a Defined Word Table Range | WrdMergeCells |
Insert a Page Break | WrdPageBreak |
Get or Set the Paragraph Format in Word | WrdParagraphFormat WrdParagraphFormat<- |
Insert Active Plot to Word | WrdPlot |
Open and Save Word Documents | WrdOpenFile WrdSaveAs |
Get or Set the Style in Word | WrdStyle WrdStyle<- |
Insert a Table in a Word Document | WrdTable |
Draw Borders to a Word Table | WrdTableBorders |
Insert Headings for a Table in Word | WrdTableHeading |
Convert Excel Dates to POSIXct | XLDateToPOSIXct |
Import Data Directly From Excel | XLCurrReg XLGetRange XLGetWorkbook XLNamedReg |
Save Excel File | XLSaveAs |
Use MS-Excel as Viewer for a Data.Frame | ToXL ToXL.default ToXL.matrix XLKill XLView |
Yuen t-Test For Trimmed Means | YuenTTest YuenTTest.default YuenTTest.formula |
Replace NAs by 0 | BlankIfNA Impute NAIf NAIfBlank NAIfZero ZeroIfNA |
Calculate the Zodiac of a Date | Zodiac |
Z Test for Known Population Standard Deviation | ZTest ZTest.default ZTest.formula |