Package: DescTools

DescTools: Tools for Descriptive Statistics

A collection of miscellaneous basic statistic functions and convenience wrappers for efficiently describing data. The author's intention was to create a toolbox, which facilitates the (notoriously time consuming) first descriptive tasks in data analysis, consisting of calculating descriptive statistics, drawing graphical summaries and reporting the results. The package contains furthermore functions to produce documents using MS Word (or PowerPoint) and functions to import data from Excel. Many of the included functions can be found scattered in other packages and other sources written partly by Titans of R. The reason for collecting them here, was primarily to have them consolidated in ONE instead of dozens of packages (which themselves might depend on other packages which are not needed at all), and to provide a common and consistent interface as far as function and arguments naming, NA handling, recycling rules etc. are concerned. Google style guides were used as naming rules (in absence of convincing alternatives). The 'BigCamelCase' style was consequently applied to functions borrowed from contributed R packages as well.

Authors:Andri Signorell [aut, cre], Ken Aho [ctb], Andreas Alfons [ctb], Nanina Anderegg [ctb], Tomas Aragon [ctb], Chandima Arachchige [ctb], Antti Arppe [ctb], Adrian Baddeley [ctb], Kamil Barton [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Hans W. Borchers [ctb], Frederico Caeiro [ctb], Stephane Champely [ctb], Daniel Chessel [ctb], Leanne Chhay [ctb], Nicholas Cooper [ctb], Clint Cummins [ctb], Michael Dewey [ctb], Harold C. Doran [ctb], Stephane Dray [ctb], Charles Dupont [ctb], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], Claus Ekstrom [ctb], Martin Elff [ctb], Jeff Enos [ctb], Richard W. Farebrother [ctb], John Fox [ctb], Romain Francois [ctb], Michael Friendly [ctb], Tal Galili [ctb], Matthias Gamer [ctb], Joseph L. Gastwirth [ctb], Vilmantas Gegzna [ctb], Yulia R. Gel [ctb], Sereina Graber [ctb], Juergen Gross [ctb], Gabor Grothendieck [ctb], Frank E. Harrell Jr [ctb], Richard Heiberger [ctb], Michael Hoehle [ctb], Christian W. Hoffmann [ctb], Soeren Hojsgaard [ctb], Torsten Hothorn [ctb], Markus Huerzeler [ctb], Wallace W. Hui [ctb], Pete Hurd [ctb], Rob J. Hyndman [ctb], Christopher Jackson [ctb], Matthias Kohl [ctb], Mikko Korpela [ctb], Max Kuhn [ctb], Detlew Labes [ctb], Friederich Leisch [ctb], Jim Lemon [ctb], Dong Li [ctb], Martin Maechler [ctb], Arni Magnusson [ctb], Ben Mainwaring [ctb], Daniel Malter [ctb], George Marsaglia [ctb], John Marsaglia [ctb], Alina Matei [ctb], David Meyer [ctb], Weiwen Miao [ctb], Giovanni Millo [ctb], Yongyi Min [ctb], David Mitchell [ctb], Cyril Flurin Moser [ctb], Franziska Mueller [ctb], Markus Naepflin [ctb], Danielle Navarro [ctb], Henric Nilsson [ctb], Klaus Nordhausen [ctb], Derek Ogle [ctb], Hong Ooi [ctb], Nick Parsons [ctb], Sandrine Pavoine [ctb], Tony Plate [ctb], Luke Prendergast [ctb], Roland Rapold [ctb], William Revelle [ctb], Tyler Rinker [ctb], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Caroline Rodriguez [ctb], Nathan Russell [ctb], Nick Sabbe [ctb], Ralph Scherer [ctb], Venkatraman E. Seshan [ctb], Michael Smithson [ctb], Greg Snow [ctb], Karline Soetaert [ctb], Werner A. Stahel [ctb], Alec Stephenson [ctb], Mark Stevenson [ctb], Ralf Stubner [ctb], Matthias Templ [ctb], Duncan Temple Lang [ctb], Terry Therneau [ctb], Yves Tille [ctb], Luis Torgo [ctb], Adrian Trapletti [ctb], Joshua Ulrich [ctb], Kevin Ushey [ctb], Jeremy VanDerWal [ctb], Bill Venables [ctb], John Verzani [ctb], Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias [ctb], Gregory R. Warnes [ctb], Stefan Wellek [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Rand R. Wilcox [ctb], Peter Wolf [ctb], Daniel Wollschlaeger [ctb], Joseph Wood [ctb], Ying Wu [ctb], Thomas Yee [ctb], Achim Zeileis [ctb]

DescTools.pdf |DescTools.html
DescTools/json (API)

# Install 'DescTools' in R:
install.packages('DescTools', repos = c('', ''))

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  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3



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Rendered fromCombinatorics.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2020-04-20
Started: 2020-04-20

DescTools Companion

Rendered fromDescToolsCompanion.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2020-04-20
Started: 2020-04-20

Tables in R

Rendered fromTablesInR.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2020-04-20
Started: 2020-04-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data AnalysisDescTools-package DescTools
Concatenates Two Strings Without Any Separator%c% Concatenate Strings
Like Operator%like any% %like%
Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements%nin%
Determines If And How Extensively Two Date Ranges Overlap%overlaps% Interval Overlap
Coordinates for "bottomright", etc.ABCCoords
Combine Multidimensional ArraysAbind
Display Compact Abstract of a Data FrameAbstract print.abstract
Add a Month to a DateAddMonths
Raw Simple And Extended Percentage AgreementAgree
Index Vector of All Values Involved in TiesAllDuplicated
Test Multiple Objects for Exact EqualityAllIdentical
Anderson-Darling Test of Goodness-of-FitAndersonDarlingTest
Append Elements to ObjectsAppend Append.default Append.matrix
Append Rownames to a Data FrameAppendRowNames
Convert xtabs To matrixas.matrix.xtabs
A Class for Dealing with the Yearmonth FormatAddMonths.ym as.Date.ym as.ym
Convert ASCII Codes to Characters and Vice VersaAscToChar CharToAsc
Get Aspect Ratio of the Current PlotAsp
Cramer's V, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Phi Coefficient Yule's Q and Y, Tschuprow's TContCoef CramerV Phi TschuprowT YuleQ YuleY
Association MeasuresAssocs print.Assocs
Atkinson Index - A Measure of Inequality.Atkinson
Area Under the CurveAUC
Place a Break Mark on an AxisAxisBreak
Compute Axis Tickmark Locations (For POSIXct Axis)axTicks.Date axTicks.POSIXct
Barnard's Unconditional TestBarnardTest
Bartels Rank Test of RandomnessBartelsRankTest
Place Value Labels on a BarplotBarText
Converts Numbers From Binmode, Octmode or Hexmode to Decimal and Vice VersaBinToDec DecToBin DecToHex DecToOct HexToDec OctToDec
Benford's DistributionBenford dBenf pBenf qBenf rBenf
Operators To Check, If a Value Lies Within Or Outside a Given Range%()% %(]% %)(% %)[% %:% %::% %[)% %[]% %](% %][% Between
Background of a PlotBg
Bhapkar Marginal Homogeneity TestBhapkarTest
Confidence Intervals for Binomial ProportionsBinomCI
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Binomial Confidence IntervalBinomCIn
Confidence Interval for a Difference of BinomialsBinomDiffCI
Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Binomial ProportionsBinomRatioCI
Binary TreeBinTree PlotBinTree
Simple Bootstrap Confidence IntervalsBootCI
Box Cox TransformationBoxCox BoxCoxInv
Automatic Selection of Box Cox Transformation ParameterBoxCoxLambda
Add Text in a Box to a PlotBoxedText BoxedText.default
Breslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of the Odds RatiosBreslowDayTest
Breusch-Godfrey TestBreuschGodfreyTest
Brier Score for Assessing Prediction AccuracyBrierScore BrierScore.default BrierScore.glm
Confidence Intervals for the BrierScoreBrierScoreCI
Add a Legend to a Bubble PlotBubbleLegend
Canvas for Geometric PlottingCanvas
Transform Cartesian to Polar/Spherical Coordinates and Vice VersaCartToPol CartToSph PolToCart SphToCart
Function to write a tableCatTable
Concordance Correlation CoefficientCCC
Calculates Begin and End Angle From a List of Given Angles in Clockwise ModeClockwise
Find the Closest ValueClosest
Return the First Element Not Being NACoalesce
Cochran-Armitage Test for TrendCochranArmitageTest
Cochran's Q testCochranQTest CochranQTest.default CochranQTest.formula
Coefficient of VariationCoefVar CoefVar.aov CoefVar.default CoefVar.lm CoefVarCI
Cohen's Effect SizeCohenD
Cohen's Kappa and Weighted KappaCohenKappa
Collapse Levels of a TableCollapseTable
Add a ColorLegend to a PlotColorLegend
Convert Colors to Grey/GrayscaleColToGray ColToGrey
Convert a Color or a RGB-color Into Hex StringColToHex RgbToHex
R Color to HSV ConversionColToHsv
Equivalent Opaque Color for Transparent ColorColToOpaque
Color to RGB ConversionColToRgb
Column WrapColumnWrap
Get All Pairs Out of One or Two Sets of ElementsCombPairs
Find Complete ColumnsCompleteColumns
Concordant and Discordant PairsConDisPairs
Confusion Matrix And Associated StatisticsConf Conf.default Conf.glm Conf.matrix Conf.multinom Conf.randomForest Conf.regr Conf.rpart Conf.svm Conf.table plot.Conf print.Conf Sens Spec
Add Connection Lines to a BarplotConnLines
Conover's Test of Multiple ComparisonsConoverTest ConoverTest.default ConoverTest.formula
Pairwise ContrastsContrasts
Unit Conversion and Metrix PrefixesCmToPts ConvUnit d.prefix d.units PtsToCm
Covariance and Correlation (Matrices)Cor Cov
Confidence Intervals for Pearson CorrelationCorCI
Find the Correlations for a Set x of Variables With Set y RemovedCorPart
Polychoric CorrelationCorPolychor print.CorPolychor
Count Complete CasesCountCompCases print.CountCompCases
Count Work Days Between Two DatesCountWorkDays
Get HWZ DatasetsCourseData
Cramer-von Mises Test for NormalityCramerVonMisesTest
Cronbach's Coefficient AlphaCronbachAlpha
Vector Cross ProductCross
n-dimensional Vector Cross ProductCrossN
C Statistic (Area Under the ROC Curve)Cstat Cstat.default Cstat.glm
Confidence Intervals for the C Statistic (AUC)CstatCI
Create a Factor Variable by Cutting an Age VariableCutAge CutGen
Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous VariableCutQ
ISO 3166-1 Country Codesd.countries
Periodic Table of Elementsd.periodic
Classification of Scotch Single Maltsd.whisky
Datasets for Probabilistic Simulationcards roulette tarot
Basic Date FunctionsDay Day<- DiffDays360 HmsToMinute Hour IsLeapYear IsWeekend LastDayOfMonth Minute Month Month.ym MonthDays Now Quarter Second Timezone Today Week Weekday Year Year.ym YearDay YearDays YearMonth YearWeek
Build-in Constants
Convert Degrees to Radians and Vice VersaDegToRad RadToDeg
Several Methods of Depreciation of an AssetDB Depreciation SLN SYD
Describe DataDesc Desc.character Desc.Date Desc.default Desc.factor Desc.formula Desc.integer Desc.labelled Desc.list Desc.logical Desc.numeric Desc.ordered Desc.palette Desc.table Desc.ts plot.Desc print.Desc
Some Aliases Set for ConvenienceN
Some Custom Paletteshblue hecru hgreen horange hred hyellow Pal plot.palette
DescTools OptionsDescToolsOptions
Calculate Digit SumDigitSum
Rao's Diversity CoefficientDivCoef
Maximal value of Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic entropyDivCoefMax
Calculate DivisorsDivisors
Evaluates a Function GroupwiseDoBy DoBy.default DoBy.formula
Fast Alternative To The Internal ''DoCall
Scalar ProductDot
Draw Elliptic Arc(s)DrawArc
Draw Confidence BandDrawBand
Draw a Bezier CurveDrawBezier
Draw a CircleDrawCircle
Draw an EllipseDrawEllipse
Draw Regular Polygon(s)DrawRegPolygon
Generate Dummy Codes for a FactorDummy
Dunnett's Test for Comparing Several Treatments With a ControlDunnettTest DunnettTest.default DunnettTest.formula
Dunn's Test of Multiple ComparisonsDunnTest DunnTest.default DunnTest.formula print.DunnTest
Durbin-Watson TestDurbinWatsonTest
Shannon Entropy and Mutual InformationEntropy MutInf
Greenhouse-Geisser And Huynh-Feldt EpsilonsEps
Add Error Bars to an Existing PlotErrBars
Effect Size Calculations for ANOVAsaovlDetails aovlErrorTerms EtaSq EtaSq.aovlist EtaSq.lm
Expected Value and VarianceEX VarX
Expected FrequenciesExpFreq
Kth Smallest/Largest ValuesHighLow Large Small
Distributions of Maxima and MinimadExtrVal pExtrVal qExtrVal rExtrVal
Prime Factorization of IntegersFactorize
Retrieve a Function's ArgumentsFctArgs
Fibonacci NumbersFibonacci
Get Color on a Defined Color RangeFindColor
Determine Highly Correlated VariablesFindCorr
Fisher z-TransformationFisherZ FisherZInv
Convert a Text to a TableFixToTable
Format Numbers and Datesas.CDateFmt as.fmt Fmt Format Format.default Format.matrix Format.table
Fractional Part and Maximal Digits of a Numeric ValueFrac MaxDigits Ndec Prec
The Frechet DistributiondFrechet pFrechet qFrechet rFrechet
Frequency Table for a Single VariableFreq print.Freq
Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Frequency DistributionFreq2D Freq2D.default Freq2D.formula
Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common MultipleGCD LCM
The Generalized Extreme Value DistributiondGenExtrVal pGenExtrVal qGenExtrVal rGenExtrVal
The Generalized Pareto DistributiondGenPareto pGenPareto qGenPareto rGenPareto
Generate Random GroupsGenRandGroups
Geometric SeriesGeomSn
Geometric TransformationsGeomTrans
Return All Used Functions Within a FunctionGetCalls
Get a Handle to a Running Word/Excel InstanceGetCurrWrd GetCurrXL
Create a New Word InstancecreateCOMReference GetNewWrd WrdKill
Create a New Excel InstanceGetNewXL
Gini CoefficientGini
Gini-Simpson Coefficient, Gini-Deltas coefficient and Hunter-Gaston IndexGiniDeltas GiniSimpson HunterGaston
Geometric Mean and Standard DeviationGmean Gsd
The Gompertz distributiondGompertz Gompertz pGompertz qGompertz rGompertz
Goodman Kruskal's GammaGoodmanKruskalGamma
Goodman Kruskal's TauGoodmanKruskalTau
G-Test for Count DataGTest
The Gumbel DistributiondGumbel pGumbel qGumbel rGumbel
Concentration MeasuresHerfindahl Rosenbluth
Identify Closest Match to a Color Given by a Hexadecimal StringHexToCol
Convert a Hexstring Color to a Matrix With Three Red/Green/Blue RowsHexToRgb
Harmonic Mean and Its Confidence IntervalHmean
Convert h:m:s To/From SecondsHmsToSec SecToHms
Hodges-Lehmann Estimator of LocationHodgesLehmann
Matrix of Hoeffding's D StatisticsHoeffD print.HoeffD
Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit TestsHosmerLemeshowTest
Hotelling's T2 TestHotellingsT2Test HotellingsT2Test.default HotellingsT2Test.formula
Safe (generalized) Huber M-Estimator of LocationHuberM
Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 From Shrout and Fleiss)ICC print.ICC
Identify Points In a Plot Using a Formulaidentify.formula
Identify Points in Plot Lying Within a Rectangle or PolygonIdentifyA IdentifyA.default IdentifyA.formula
Fill in NA values with the values of the nearest neighboursImputeKnn
Is a Specific Argument in the Dots-Arguments?InDots
The (weighted) Interquartile RangeIQRw
Check If an Object Is of Type DateIsDate
Test If a Variable Contains Only Two Unique ValuesFlags IsDichotomous
Is a Distance Matrix Euclidean?IsEuclid summary.dist
Checks If An Integer Is Even Or OddIsOdd
IsPrime PropertyIsPrime
Check Windows PointerIsValidHwnd
(Robust) Jarque Bera TestJarqueBeraTest
Exact Version of Jonckheere-Terpstra TestJonckheereTerpstraTest JonckheereTerpstraTest.default JonckheereTerpstraTest.formula
Kappa for m RatersKappaM
Kendall's Tau-aKendallTauA
Kendall's Tau-bKendallTauB
Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance WKendallW
List Keywords For R Manual PagesKeywords
Krippendorff's Alpha Reliability CoefficientKrippAlpha
Label, Unit Attribute of an ObjectLabel Label<- Labels Labels<- Unit Unit<-
Goodman Kruskal LambdaLambda
Lorenz CurveLc Lc.default Lc.formula lines.Lc Lorenz curve plot.Lc plot.Lclist predict.Lc
Lehmacher's Test for Marginal HomogenityLehmacherTest print.mtest
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of VarianceLeveneTest LeveneTest.default LeveneTest.formula LeveneTest.lm
Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test for NormalityLillieTest
Add a Linear Regression Linelines.lm
Add a Loess or a Spline Smootherlines.loess lines.smooth.spline lines.SmoothSpline
Convert Line Coordinates To User CoordinatesLineToUser
Linear ScalingLinScale
List Objects, Functions Or Data in a PackageLsFct LsObj
Last Observation Carried ForwardLOCF LOCF.default LOCF.matrix
Local Outlier FactorLOF
Generalized Logit and Inverse Logit FunctionLogit LogitInv
Started Logarithmic Transformation and Its InverseLogSt LogStInv
Median Absolute DeviationMAD
Confidence Intervals for Median Absolute DeviationsMADCI
Set Plot Margins and DistancesMar Mgp
Matrix Power%^% matpow
(Weighted) Arithmetic MeanMean Mean.default Mean.Freq
Mean Absolute Deviation From a Center PointMeanAD
Confidence Intervals for the MeanMeanCI
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Confidence Interval for a MeanMeanCIn
Confidence Interval For Difference of MeansMeanDiffCI MeanDiffCI.default MeanDiffCI.formula
Standard Error of MeanMeanSE
Measures of AccuracyMAE MAE.default MAE.lm MAPE MAPE.default MAPE.lm MSE MSE.default MSE.lm NMAE NMSE RMSE RMSE.default RMSE.lm SMAPE SMAPE.default SMAPE.lm
Skewness and KurtosisKurt Skew
(Weighted) Median ValueMedian Median.default Median.factor Median.Freq
Confidence Interval for the MedianMedianCI
Multiple GsubMgsub
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square TestMHChisqTest
Find the Midpoints of a Numeric VectorMidx
Compute the Convex Combination of Two ColorsMixColor
Mode, Most Frequent Value(s)Mode
Moses Test of Extreme ReactionsMosesTest MosesTest.default MosesTest.formula
Moving AverageMoveAvg
Confidence Intervals for Multinomial ProportionsMultinomCI
Merge Multiple Data FramesMultMerge
Replace NAs in a Factor by a Given LevelNALevel
Nemenyi TestNemenyiTest NemenyiTest.default NemenyiTest.formula
As Numeric FactorNf
Short Selection of Financial Mathematical FunctionsIRR NPV NPVFixBond OPR YTM
Non Zero ElementsNZ
Odds Ratio Estimation and Confidence IntervalsOddsRatio OddsRatio.default OddsRatio.glm OddsRatio.multinom OddsRatio.zeroinfl
Distributions of Order StatisticsdOrder pOrder rOrder
Transform Odds Ratio to Relative RiskORToRelRisk ORToRelRisk.default ORToRelRisk.OddsRatio
Exact Page Test for Ordered AlternativesPageTest PageTest.default PageTest.formula
Pairwise CalculationsPairApply
Parse a Formula and Create a Model FrameParseFormula
Parse a SAS Dataline CommandParseSASDatalines
Password DialogPasswordDlg
Get PDF Manual of a Package From CRANPDFManual
Pearson Chi-Square Test for NormalityPearsonTest
Percent RanksPercentRank
Percentage TableMargins PercTable PercTable.default PercTable.formula PercTable.matrix PercTable.table print.PercTable
Number and Samples for Permutations or Combinations of a SetCombN CombSet Permn
Phrasing Results of t-TestPhrase
Combined Plot of a Time Series and Its ACF and PACFPlotACF PlotGACF
Create an Area PlotPlotArea PlotArea.default PlotArea.formula
Bivariate Boxplotcompute.bagplot plot.bagplot PlotBag PlotBagPairs
Draw a Bubble PlotPlotBubble PlotBubble.default PlotBubble.formula
Plot Candlestick ChartPlotCandlestick
Cash Flow PlotPlotCashFlow
Plot Circular PlotPlotCirc
Plot Conditional DensitiesPlotConDens
Plot a Correlation MatrixPlotCorr
Cleveland's Dot PlotsPlotDot PlotDotCI
Empirical Cumulative Distribution FunctionPlotECDF
Chernoff FacesPlotFaces
Frequency Distribution PlotPlotFdist
Plot a FunctionPlotFun
Plot LinesPlotLinesA
Logarithmic PlotPlotLog
Scatterplot With Marginal DensitiesPlotMarDens
Plot Missing DataPlotMiss
Cycle Plot for Seasonal Effects of an Univariate Time SeriesPlotMonth
Mosaic PlotsPlotMosaic
Plot Multiple Density CurvesPlotMultiDens PlotMultiDens.default PlotMultiDens.formula
Extended Scatterplot MatricesPlotPairs
Plot Values on a Circular GridPlotPolar
Plot Probability DistributionPlotProbDist
Draw a Back To Back Pyramid PlotPlotPyramid
QQ-Plot for Any DistributionPlotQQ
Ternary or Triangular PlotsPlotTernary
Create a TreemapPlotTreemap
Plot a Venn DiagramPlotVenn
Plot Violins Instead of BoxplotsPlotViolin PlotViolin.default PlotViolin.formula
Plot a Web of Connected PointsPlotWeb
Periodic Payment of an Annuity.IPMT PMT PPMT RBAL
Poisson Confidence IntervalPoissonCI
Plot a Grid in Polar CoordinatesPolarGrid
Post-Hoc Testsplot.PostHocTest PostHocTest PostHocTest.aov PostHocTest.matrix PostHocTest.table print.PostHocTest
Power Calculations for ChiSquared Testspower.chisq.test
Add Slides, Insert Texts and Plots to PowerPointGetCurrPP GetNewPP PpAddSlide PpPlot PpText
"Reverse" Gumbel Distribution FunctionsdRevGumbel pRevGumbel qRevGumbel qRevGumbelExp rRevGumbel
Find All Primes Less Than nPrimes
Pseudo R2 StatisticsPseudoR2
Point in PolygonPtInPoly
(Weighted) Sample QuantilesQuantile
Confidence Interval for Any QuantileQuantileCI
Lagged QuotientsQuot
(Robust) RangeRange
Fast Sample RanksRank
Read SPSS Datafiles and Return It in Good Old Style Data Frame StructureReadSPSS
Recode a FactorRecode
Recyle a List of ElementsRecycle
Relative RiskRelRisk
Change Names of a Named ObjectRename
Reorder the Levels of a Factorreorder.factor
Reverse Elements of a Vector, a Matrix, a Table, an Array or a Data.frameRev Rev.array Rev.default Rev.matrix Rev.table
Reverse CodesRevCode
The Reverse Weibull DistributiondNegWeibull dRevWeibull pNegWeibull pRevWeibull qNegWeibull qRevWeibull rNegWeibull rRevWeibull
Conversion Between RGB and CMYKCmykToCmy CmykToRgb CmyToCmyk RgbToCmy
Find the Nearest Named R-Color to a Given RGB-ColorLongToRgb RgbToCol RgbToLong
Create Pairs of Correlated Random NumbersRndPairs RndWord
Robust Scaling With Median and MadRobScale
Convert Roman Numerals to IntegersRomanToInt
Rotate a Geometric StructureRotate
Round to MultipleRoundTo
How Long Has the RSession Been Running?RSessionAlive RTempdirAlive
Confidence Intervals for the R squared of a Linear ModelRSqCI
Random Numbers Adding Up to 1rSum21
Runs Test for RandomnessRunsTest RunsTest.default RunsTest.formula
Random Samples and PermutationsSample
Sample TwinsSampleTwins
Saves an R Object Under a Different NameSaveAs
Scheffe Test for Pairwise and Otherwise ComparisonsScheffeTest ScheffeTest.aov ScheffeTest.default ScheffeTest.formula
(Weighted) Standard DeviationSD SDN
Send a Mail Using Outlook as Mail ClientSendOutlookMail
Add an Alpha Channel To a ColorFade SetAlpha
Set the Names in an ObjectSetNames
Produce a Shaded CurveShade
Shapiro-Francia Test for NormalityShapiroFranciaTest
Siegel-Tukey Test For Equality In VariabilitySiegelTukeyRank SiegelTukeyTest SiegelTukeyTest.default SiegelTukeyTest.formula
Sign TestSignTest SignTest.default SignTest.formula
Formula Interface For 'smooth.spline'SmoothSpline SmoothSpline.default SmoothSpline.formula
Return Some Randomly Chosen Elements of an ObjectSome Some.default Some.matrix
Check a Vector For Being Numeric, Zero Or a Whole NumberIsNumeric IsWhole IsZero
Somers' DeltaSomersDelta
Sort a Vector, a Matrix, a Table or a Data.frameSort Sort.default Sort.matrix Sort.table
Sort Strings with Embedded Numbers Based on Their Numeric OrderOrderMixed SortMixed
Spearman Rank CorrelationSpearmanRho
Formula Interface for Splitsplit.formula
Split a Vector Into Several Pieces at Given PositionsSplitAt
Split Path In Drive, Path, FilenameSplitPath
Split Data Frame String Column Into Multiple ColumnsSplitToCol
Split Strings of a Vector and Provide Dummy Codes for Found PiecesSplitToDummy
Spread Out a Vector of Numbers To a Minimum IntervalSpreadOut
Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current PlotStamp
Standardized Model CoefficientsPartialSD StdCoef
Compactly Display the Structure of any R ObjectStr
String AbbreviationStrAbbr
String AlignmentStrAlign
Stratified SamplingStrata
Capitalize the First Letter of a StringStrCap
Split a String into a Number of Sections of Defined LengthStrChop
Count Words in a StringStrCountW
Compute Distances Between StringsStrDist
Extract Part of a StringStrExtract StrExtractBetween
Remove Attributes from an ObjectSetAttr StripAttr
Does a String Contain Only Numeric DataStrIsNumeric
Returns the Left Or the Right Part Of a StringStrLeft StrRight
Pad a String With JustificationStrPad
Find Position of First Occurrence Of a StringStrPos
Reverse a StringStrRev
Spell a String Using the NATO Phonetic or the Morse AlphabetStrSpell
Split the Elements of a Character VectorStrSplit
Remove Leading/Trailing Whitespace From A StringStrTrim
Truncate Strings and Add Ellipses If a String is Truncated.StrTrunc
Extract All Numeric Values From a StringStrVal
Stuart-Maxwell Marginal Homogeneity TestStuartMaxwellTest
Stuart Tau-cStuartTauC
Add Up Partial Confidence Intervals to a Total CISumCI
System InformationFindRProfile SysInfo
Choose Textcolor Depending on Background ColorTextContrastColor
Converts String To a TableTextToTable
Theil's U Index of InequalityTheilU
Plot Boxed AnnotationTitleRect
Comparison Table For Linear ModelsModSummary ModSummary.glm ModSummary.lm plot.TMod print.TMod TMod
Reshape a Vector From Long to Wide Shape Or Vice VersaToLong ToWide
Create Table One Describing Baseline CharacteristicsTOne
Send Objects to WordToWrd ToWrd.character ToWrd.default ToWrd.Freq ToWrd.ftable ToWrd.lm ToWrd.table ToWrd.TMod ToWrd.TOne
Send Objects to Word and Bookmark ThemToWrdB
Send a Plot to Word and Bookmark itToWrdPlot
The Triangular DistributiondTri pTri qTri rTri Triangular
Trim a VectorTrim
Student's t-Test Based on Sample StatisticsTTestA
Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust MeanTukeyBiweight
Describe a Variable by a Factor with Two LevelsToWrd.TwoGroups TwoGroups TwoGroups.default TwoGroups.formula
Uncertainty CoefficientUncertCoef
Finds many (all) roots of one equation within an intervalUnirootAll
Recover Original Data From Contingency TableUntable Untable.default
Inverse WhichUnwhich
van der Waerden TestVanWaerdenTest VanWaerdenTest.default VanWaerdenTest.formula
VarianceVar Var.default Var.Freq VarN
Confidence Intervals for the VarianceVarCI
ChiSquare Test for One Variance and F Test to Compare Two VariancesVarTest VarTest.default VarTest.formula
Vector Rotation (Shift Elements)VecRot VecShift
Variance Inflation FactorsVIF
Vigenere CypherVigenere
Von Neumann's Successive Difference TestVonNeumannTest
Word VBA ConstantswdConst xlConst
Winsorize (Replace Extreme Values by Less Extreme Ones)Winsorize
Execute Function with Temporary OptionsWithOptions
Woolf Test For Homogeneity in 2x2xk TablesWoolfTest
Some Functions to Handle MS-Word BookmarksWrdBookmark WrdDeleteBookmark WrdGoto WrdInsertBookmark WrdUpdateBookmark
Insert Caption to WordWrdCaption
Return the Cell Range Of a Word TableWrdCellRange
Get or Set the Font in WordWrdFont WrdFont<-
Format Cells Of a Word TableWrdFormatCells
Merges Cells Of a Defined Word Table RangeWrdMergeCells
Insert a Page BreakWrdPageBreak
Get or Set the Paragraph Format in WordWrdParagraphFormat WrdParagraphFormat<-
Insert Active Plot to WordWrdPlot
Open and Save Word DocumentsWrdOpenFile WrdSaveAs
Get or Set the Style in WordWrdStyle WrdStyle<-
Insert a Table in a Word DocumentWrdTable
Draw Borders to a Word TableWrdTableBorders
Insert Headings for a Table in WordWrdTableHeading
Convert Excel Dates to POSIXctXLDateToPOSIXct
Import Data Directly From ExcelXLCurrReg XLGetRange XLGetWorkbook XLNamedReg
Save Excel FileXLSaveAs
Use MS-Excel as Viewer for a Data.FrameToXL ToXL.default ToXL.matrix XLKill XLView
Yuen t-Test For Trimmed MeansYuenTTest YuenTTest.default YuenTTest.formula
Replace NAs by 0BlankIfNA Impute NAIf NAIfBlank NAIfZero ZeroIfNA
Calculate the Zodiac of a DateZodiac
Z Test for Known Population Standard DeviationZTest ZTest.default ZTest.formula