DescTools 0.99.60
- FisherZ() and FisherZInv() use atanh(), resp. tanh() now.
(Credits to Daniel Wollschlaeger)
DescTools 0.99.59 (2025-01-26)
- SumCI() returns the confidence interval of the sum of multiple variables
with given confidence intervals.
- CutGen() yields the generation category based on year of birth.
- BrierScoreCI() now supports "scaled" argument.
- KendallW() has been updated to better support missing values.
- TMod() and print.TMod() gain a new "verb" argument to restrict
the number of performance indicators in the output.
- CountCompCases() accepts data.tables and list columns in data.frames.
- MultinomCI() did not return the full accuracy in the method of Sison Glaz.
DescTools 0.99.58 (2024-11-08)
- ReadSPSS() converts SPSS data in a data.frame.
- AppendRowNames() shortcut to append rownames to a data.frame.
- CourseData() finds more files now.
- BrierScore() has not handled the responses of glms correctly
since the last change, forcing the user to use predict-response
DescTools 0.99.56 (2024-08-22)
- WrdTableHeadings() enables the easy definition of multiple
table headings in Word tables.
- TOne() gets an own subsetting routine.
- Using #define STRICT_R_HEADERS used in order to comply with CRAN's
new standards.
- DescToolsOptions() gets a new option "linesep" used by some output
DescTools 0.99.55 (2024-07-29)
- NZ() returns all non zero elements from a numeric vector.
- BrierScoreCI(), CstatCI(), RSqCI() return bootstrap confidence intervals
for the BrierScore, the C-Statistic and the R squared of a linear model.
- MeanCIn() displays a warning if the required width of the confidence
interval exceeds the standard deviation.
- ToWrd.table() gets another default for row.names. It now is TRUE instead
of FALSE as before.
- OddsRatio.glm changes its argument use.profile's default from TRUE to FALSE.
- MedianCI() allows further bootstrap types, dots arguments are now
passed on to the bootstrap procedure. The argument R has been removed,
but can still be provided in the dots. Default type for boostrap is
no longer 'basic' but 'perc', which seems better suited for the median.
(See discussion with MrJerryTAO in
- Some first helpfiles are generated by roxygen2 now.
- The arguments in Winsorize() have been condensed to a single one with
extended flexibility.
- Closest() vectorizes the value to be found (argument "a") and "which".
- Unwhich() checks its arguments now and got a default value for the argument n.
- TOne() gets an improved print routine.
- BrierScore() checks the input arguments.
- TukeyBiweight() has been rewritten in C++ and now runs twice as fast
as before.
- The text for prop.diff will be displayed in Desc.table().
- Custom xlab and ylab values can be used in plot.Desc.factfact().
- MultinomCI() did not correctly set the left/right side intervalls to 0 for
single sided intervals.
- ToWide() now handles factors with more than three levels without warning.
- Arrow() has been moved to the package DescToolsAddIns.
DescTools 0.99.54 (2024-02-03)
- as.ym() adds a yearmonth class for extracting dateparts and adding months.
- as.Date.ym() converts a yearmonth to a date.
- NALevel() allows to quickly define an alternative level for NAs in a factor.
- CutAge() is a convenient wrapper for cutting age variables in slices
of e.g. 10 years.
- Year(), Month() now also extract the parts from a yearmonth representation.
- Hodges-Lehman now uses long-longs instead of integers, allowing larger vectors.
- AddMonthsYM() has been integrated in AddMonths(). Use AddMonths(as.ym(202402))
- The Desc() procedure now puts the response in columns instead in rows as up
to now in the case of two factor variables. So the resulting table is
transposed compared to before.
- The Desc() procedure for 2x2 tables includes a confidence interval for
the difference of proportions based on BinomDiffCI(..., method="mn").
- The documentation of RelRisk() did not correspond to the code.
(Credits to martyoh,
DescTools 0.99.53 (2024-01-18)
- New implementation of 2-sample HodgesLehmann estimator.
- Fade() combines ColToOpaque(SetAlpha(col))
- pckg.yaml has a dTri entry now.
- HodgesLehman() mixed up the one sample and two sample case.
DescTools 0.99.52 (2023-12-01)
- dTri(), pTri(), qTri() and rTri() return the specific values for
a triangular distribution.
- New C++ port of the Hodges-Lehman estimator following
Monahan's algorithm
(Credits go to Cyril Flurin Moser)
- Dependency R>=4.3. for DescTools 0.99.51 has been fixed.
DescTools 0.99.51 (2023-11-20)
- Labels() is a vectorized function for Label().
- SDN() and VarN() return the uncorrected (biased) estimators for
standard deviation and variance (sometimes needed for
didactical reasons).
- EX() and VarX() return the expected value and the variance for
the distribution of a discrete random variable.
- Mgsub() is a vectorized version for gsub, allowing to replace
multiple patterns at the same time.
- New function GiniDeltas() returns the Gini variant from Deltas.
(Credits to Wim Bernasco,
- TwoGroups() gains a formula interface. plot(), print() and ToWrd()
routines have been better organized.
- Hardcoded ANSI colors have been replaced by their cli::variants.
- LCM() and GCD() no longer use the library BH, but rely on
standard C++ functions instead.
- HunterGaston() now calculates what it always pretended to do.
(Credits to Wim Bernasco)
- Internal function .NormWeights() does no more remove 0 values on the
value vector x.
- VonNeumannTest() uses the correct normal approximation now.
(Credits to LukeAFullard in
DescTools 0.99.50 (2023-09-06)
- The confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation are calculated
by the new function CoefVarCI(). Additional methods have been implemented.
So far these are: "vangel","mckay","nct","naive".
- Mode() returns NA for a vector of length = 1.
- CoefVar() confidence intervals have been organised in a new function.
- DFLOAT replaced by DBLE everywhere in Fortran code.
DescTools 0.99.49 (2023-05-17)
- Better solution for the set.seed issue in DunnetTest
(Credits to Michael Chirico in
- BoxedText() supports xy.coords now.
- Two new methods for MultinomCI() have been implemented
(Fitzpatrick-Scott and Quesensberry-Hurst).
- BinomCI() no longer reports p_tilde but the usual x/n as
p estimator for the Agresti-Coull confidence intervall.
As a replacement for this, there is a argument std_est with
which the method specific non-standard point estimator can be returned.
(Thanks to julienbio99, MrJerryTAO and Vilmantas for the
research and discussion)
- VarTest() gets a more exact calculation for twosided p values
in the case of the one sample test.
- MultinomCI method goodman uses the correct chisquare quantile now.
(Credits to yanka3 and Vilmantas Gegzna)
- LogStInv() would not have used the correct base for the log.
(Credits to Martin Maechler)
DescTools 0.99.48 (2023-02-19)
- Nf() shortcut for as.numeric(factor(x, ...)).
- RndPairs() can deliver associated pairwise nominal random variables.
- WeekDay() and Month() will return an ordered factor instead of a factor.
- Recode() can recode NAs to a new code.
- TMod() can be given an order for the models.
- GTest gains a rescale.p argument.
- DunnettTest will not use .Random.seed in background jobs.
DescTools 0.99.47 (2022-10-22)
- Gini() has been recoded to gain better support for weights.
- PlotProbDist() gains a dots argument.
- BoxedText() has two renamed arguments old txt.col has be
renamed to col and old col has been renamed to bg.
- Set fixed global .RandomSeed for Dunnett-test in order to get
reproducible results.
- Corrected a bug in confidence intervals for Cohen's D.
(Credits to Jerry Tao)
DescTools 0.99.46 (2022-09-01)
- Append() gains a TOne interface, to be able to add rows to a Table 1 (TOne) object.
- BarText() internally uses the more flexible BoxedText() instead of text().
- DunnTest, ConoverTest, VanWaerdenTest, NemenyiTest, DunnettTest get new organizing
code analogue to kruskal.test in order to handle characters as factors correctly.
- DunnTest() returns the matrix of p-Values in addition.
- Format() gains a new interface for ftables.
- IdentifyA() now reverses the coordinates in the attribute.
- Two changes in the helpfiles of BinomRatCI() ans StdCoef() which popped up
with R 4.2.
DescTools 0.99.45 (2022-05-09)
- SplitToDummy() for splitting a string vector and create a dummy code matrix.
- CochranArmitageTest has been updated to use scores instead of ordinal values only.
Further the alternatives have been reduced to c("two.sided", "one.sided")
instead of c("two.sided", "increasing", "decreasing"), which were poorly defined.
- BoxedText gains a formula interface.
- RevCode takes dots now, for reverse numeric codes.
- Gmean will now report NA whenever there is a negative value in vector x,
despite if x also contains zero (like SAS, unlike SPSS).
(Credits to Imanol Zubizarreta)
- Quantile() now uses the argument "names", which so far had no
meaning within the function body.
- PlotCorr() now displays the matrix in the same form, as it is defined.
x is internally transposed.
- In Desc.table() the Phi coefficient has been replaced by Kendall Tau-B.
Phi is only sensible in the case of two dichotomous variables, and then
CramerV, which is also reported by default, has the same value.
- CourseData() will open xl-datafiles containing a description tab and
define factors based on this information, as well as set labels.
- DunnetTest will no longer set.seed() within the function, which was used
to generate comparable results, but was a drawback for simulations.
(Credits to marcoegv on github)
- JonckheereTest's formula interface will now also support additional
- Bug in Cohen Kappa SE calculation fixed.
- Quantile's default type has been changed from type 5 to type 7,
which was documented, but not implemented.
- PlotCorr() mislabeled the legend when breaks were specified (Credits for the
fix to Duncan Murdoch).
- Several replacements of T with TRUE, which have apparently always
slipped through until now. (Again, the credit goes to Duncan Murdoch.)
DescTools 0.99.44 (2021-11-23)
- PlotProbDist() is a convenience interface for plotting probability
distributions with shaded areas.
- rSum21() returns random numbers which sum to 1, allowing to define digits.
- Recode() will accept characters and in this case also return a character vector.
- BarText() will also support stacked barplots for naming the groups.
- AUC() did not handle missing values correctly. (Credits to Denise Horn-Oudshoorn)
DescTools 0.99.43 (2021-09-09)
- An adaptation to a change in the function exact.test, used in
BarnardTest(). (Credits to Peter Calhoun)
- Main title in PlotQQ was not updated correctly.
- Stuart-Maxwell test would not have stated the perfect agreement correctly.
(Credits to Yusef Al-Naher)
DescTools 0.99.42 (2021-06-17)
- PlotDotCI() is a convenience interface for PlotDot() to plot group-wise
confidence intervals.
- Bg() paints the background of a base R plot.
- ABCCoords() returns the coordinates for literal positions as "bottomright",
"topleft", etc..
- Freq will report the median class as attribute.
- Desc.numeric() and Desc.Date() get a new attribute include_x to prevent the
function to return the provided argument x.
- PlotDot() did not calculate correctly the left margin. In this connection
two more arguments have been introduced: automar and gshift.
- StrExtractBetween() did not use the first match for the left boundary.
DescTools 0.99.41 (2021-04-10)
- NAIf() replaces a vector of elements by NAs.
- MeanCIn() gives the required samplesize to obtain a confidence interval
of a given width.
- Rank() is added at the expense of DenseRank() using a fast implementation in
data.table, that allows ranking based on multiple columns.
- %::% does the same as %:% but in greedy mode, say using the last match instead
of the first one.
- For given dates, YearDays() and MonthDays() return the number of days in the
year, or in the month respectively.
- RevCode() has been extended to process factors and logicals too.
- BarText() will support offset by now. It also gets a new argument pos,
which replaces the old one.
- TMod() will not insert empty columns, when results are output to Word.
- Hmean() will return NA for the confidence intervals in case we encounter
negative values. This was promised so in the help file, but never delivered.
(Credits to David R. Weise)
- StrExtractBetween() would have rejected to extract parts between two identical
- Quantile(), and in consequence Median(), would not have treated missings correctly.
- QuantileCI() will handle multiple probs now and respect coverage for one
sided intervals (Credits to Alexander Ploner).
DescTools 0.99.40 (2021-02-03)
- StrExtractBetween() returns the part of a string bounded by the expression
"left" on the left side and "right" on the right side.
- Some new checks have been added. We will continuously add more
in the near future.
- GenRandGroups() generates random groups for a vector.
- %:% is a "from-to" operator for elements in a vector using match criteria.
- PasswordDlg() allows to add a checkbox option.
- BinomRatCI() has undergone some streamlining concerning input and output.
- AllIdentical() has been rewritten to run 4 times faster.
- BinomCI() gets new method "blaker".
- CombN() used an awkward definition of arguments, which was changed
from x to n.
- PlotDot() gets a better positioning algorithm for axes labels, when
cex is not 1. Further it's possible to change cex for group pch.
- Classic confidence intervals for Skew() and Kurt() are now reported on
both sides.
DescTools 0.99.39 (2020-12-07)
- GetCalls() returns the function calls used within a given function.
- BhapkarTest() is a more powerful alternative to StuartMaxwellTest().
- MultMerge() offers an option to define a merging column.
- TextToTable() gets a new argument "check.names".
- Outlier() gets a new option "hampel".
- TOne() allows to omit test by setting TEST=NA.
- BinomCI() gets three more methods "waldcc", "midp" and "lik".
- Bug in Zodiac() led to a wrong zodiac for June 21. (Credits to pmarkun)
- plot.Desc.numnum() will respect given xlab/ylab now.
- TOne() adapts the number of column names if the total sum is suppressed.
- Warning in print.Desc.numfact has been fixed.
- BinomCI for the method wilsoncc would not have returned the correct values
in cases the estimator was 0 or 1. (Credits to Martin Mayer)
- R reported a warning in CohenKappa as a cast form 1d array to vector had
not been done. (Credits to Chris Andrews)
DescTools 0.99.38 (2020-09-07)
- ORToRelRisk.glm() converts odds ratios from a logistic regression
to relative risks.
- RevCode() reverses the codes of a numeric variable (e.g. a Likert
- MADCI() calculates confidence intervals for the median absolute deviation(s).
- QuantileCI() yields confidence intervals for any quantile.
- BinomCIn() returns the sample size which is necessary to obtain a confidence
interval with a given width, at a specified p and confidence level.
- The Format() argument "leading" has been replaced by "ldigits". Leading zeros
can now be coded with the number of leading zeros instead of using
character coding like "000".
- BinomDiffCI() gets two further methods "haldane" and "jeffery perks".
- XLView() gets a new argument "sep" (implementing a request of Mahboob).
- CutQ() accepts integer number for breaks.
- ColorLegend() gets the option to add a title and silently returns the geometry
in the similar way to legend().
- Bug in BinomDiffCI() for methods score and scorecc has been fixed.
(Credits to Meredith Peratikos)
DescTools 0.99.37 (2020-07-10)
- PlotConDens() plots conditional densities using a grouping variable.
- StrSplit() is a convenience function with more defaults than strsplit.
- SplitToCol() splits columns of a data.frame using a split.
- WrdDeleteBookmark() extends the suite of WrdBookmark functions.
- CmykToRgb(), CmyToCmyk(), CmykToCmy() have been added to have a
color code conversion path from RGB to CMYK.
- Append() for data.frames can also append rows now.
- PlotCashflow() gain some more arguments enhancing its flexibility.
- We switch to a more flexible implementation of Barnard test by
Peter Calhoun's Exact package.
- Minor changes to PlotLinesA() to be able to easier add lines.
- ToWrd.TMod() uses a more sophisticated export logic for splitting the
columns of a resulting data.frame to a Word table compatible
character matrix.
- Format() interpretes negative "digits" argument in the same manner as round.
- Format() accepts defined named templates with the argument fmt.
- MAE(), MSE(), RMSE() will pass on dots arguments to mean() allowing to
trim the data.
- WrdBookmark()'s argument "bookmark" has been renamed to name to
be consistent with the rest of the word bookmark functions.
- TOne()'s "fmt.pval" argument has been replaced with the more general
"fmt", which allows to define formats for counts, numbers, percentages
AND p-values.
- SplitPath() gets a further information "fullpath".
- StrTrunc() gets two new arguments "ellipsis" and can truncate strings
on word boundaries with "useWordBoundaries".
- as.fmt() will allow to set the label of the format template.
- We use a more flexible implementation of PseudoR2 (Credits to Ben Mainwaring).
- Format() will respect eps if defined in a format template "fmt" now.
- StrExtract() does its job even with NAs.
- CentralValue() did not survive the "general usefulness-checks".
DescTools 0.99.36 (2020-05-23)
- Plot Desc.table object now reverses the default color for the second
mosaicplot to ensure the upper left cell has the same color in both
- Desc.table() will also report relative risks for rows when verbose is
set to 3.
- Documentation and github integration have been improved (thanks to
Vilmantas Gegzna).
- TMod() will report number of variables in the model and the
number of estimated coefficients.
- tol in UnirootAll has been substantially reduced as the default
was too coarse.
- Rev() gets a new interface for arrays.
- ScheffeTest() gets a formula interface.
- plot.Desc.numnum can insert a linear model and exponential line now.
- SpearmanRho() gets a new algorithm for tables and no longer crudely
inflates a frequency table to single case presentation.
- PasswordDlg() gets all its required arguments back again.
DescTools 0.99.35 (2020-04-30)
- HunterGaston() calculates the index of dicrimination for nominal data,
going back to Simpson, published by Hunter-Gaston.
- Desc interface for classes ts and xts has been added.
- New documentation to be published as a pkgdown website (Credits for that
go to Vilmantas Gegzna).
- The vignettes are built now by means of R.rsp
- StripAttr() removes attributes from an object.
- PlotACF() gets some better defaults and new arguments.
- PlotECDF() loses its argument cex.axis, which is not necessary as we
should use the general par approach.
- PlotFdist() will support user defined ylims in the histogram now.
Moreover some internal arguments are handled more consistently.
- print.TMod() will accept argument "digits" now (as Beat Bruengger required)
- Desc.numeric will support conf.levels now instead of set fixed 95%-CI.
- ToWrdPlot() gains another argument "pointsize".
- Desc.formula() supports one sided formulas.
- Desc.formula() now propagates arguments for tables as rfrq and freq
(Credits to Sereina Graber).
- Desc() for numeric ~ categorical variables can report more descripitve
statistics by setting the verbose argument to 3.
- Outlier() will now use the third quartile instead of NA.
- Cstat() did not respect ties correctly.
- Two errors due to archaic code in demo(describe) and demo(plots)
were spotted by V. Gegzna.
DescTools 0.99.34 (2020-03-12)
- TextContrastColor() gets new options to choose white/black color.
- Some updates to helpfiles.
- PlotArea() does no longer use dots arguments for the polygon function.
But they are still passed on to matplot().
- Corrected deparse1() bug causing a build error for all current versions
on CRAN.
DescTools 0.99.33 (2020-03-10)
- AllIdentical() allows to check multiple objects to be exactly equal.
- CountWorkDays() return the number of workdays within a time period.
- VanWaerdenTest() completes the group of non-parametric (post hoc) tests.
- RSessionAlive() and RTempAlive() return the time since starting R, resp.
creating them temporary directory.
- Conf() is extended by Matthew's correlation coefficient.
- Pal() gets the new palette "Helsana2"
- MeanAD()'s argument FUN has been renamed to center to be
consistent with MAD().
- MeanAD(), MAD(), CoefVar(), Skew(), Kurt() support weights now.
- Mar() and Mgp() will return visible when all arguments are NULL.
Both get a new argument reset for reset sets to their defaults.
- SetNames() will now do what was promised in the helptext and
delete names if NULL is provided as argument.
DescTools 0.99.32 (2020-01-17)
- ColToOpaque(), RgbToHex() are two new color converter functions.
- ImputeKnn() and CentralValue() have been borrowed from the
DMwR package.
- WrdCellRange's arguments have been renamed from old: rstart, rend to
new: from, to.
- WrdTableBorders() loses its wrd argument, the information is now
extracted directly from wtab.
- Untable() will by default replace NAs by 0 in a table and display a
warning if there are NAs.
- plot.TMod() allows to provide a terms list for plotting.
- Cramer's V bias correction is corrected (hmm...).
- TMod() supports single models now.
DescTools 0.99.31 (2019-12-02)
- WrdUpdateFields() can be used to update fields in a Word document.
- Mgp() does the same for axis title, labels and line as Mar() does
for the margins.
- PlotPairs() is a more specific pairs() variant.
- IQRw() supports weights for calculating the interquartile range.
- ToXL() uses a faster create function for XL column names.
- ToXL() will use a more elaborated export for tables, matrices and arrays.
- GetNewWrd() will insert a title at the bookmark "Main" in the document.
- CramerV() and TschuprowT() get a bias correction option.
- Recycle uses an optimised "getmaxdim" logic (thanks to moodymudskipper
for the suggestion).
- Mode() gets a more elaborated interface and returns all modes if there
are several.
- SetNames() will recycle provided names and supports abbreviations.
- ToWrd() for characters works again after an error crept into v. 0.99.30
(due to insufficient testing).
- TTestA() did not exclude the paired option, which should have been the case.
(Credits to Vilmantas Gegzna)
- Dummy() will always return a matrix instead of dropping dimensions which
have only one level. (Credits to Daniel Wollschlaeger)
- XLGetrange() will not refuse to import areas with XLErrors now, cells formatted
as dates will be recognised and empty areas will not cause an error
- MedianCI will now correctly use conf.level for method="exact" and also
return the realised conf.level.
- Corrected predict call for vglm in PseudoR2. (Thnks to Daniel Wollschlaeger)
- PlotDev() X was both a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to rid the analysis
code of superfluous technical reporting code. The new approach uses meta-code
together with ToWrdWithBookmark(), which does not require any changes to
the original code. As a result, PlotDev() has been removed.
DescTools 0.99.30 (2019-10-22)
- CompleteColumns() will return the names of complete columns of a data frame.
- ToWrdB() sends the output of a code chunk to Word and tags it with
a bookmark.
- ToWrdPlot() does the same with a code chunk producing a plot. It plots to
a tiff device and imports the graphic in MS-Word. These two functions allow
to dynamically update word documents with new R-results.
- WrdOpenFile() is used to open Word documents.
- CmToPts() and PtsToCm() convert between centimeters and points.
- Mode() gets a real fast Rcpp implementation. (Credits to Ralf Stubner
and Joseph Wood)
- Desc.numeric() will notify when the mode has higher frequency than 5%
(which is likely to be remarkable for a numeric variable).
- PseudoR2() will work with negative binomial models again.
- Untable would not have returned the expected results in some combinations
of column names. (Credits to Vilmantas Gegzna for detecting this issue)
- Desc() would not have handled unnamed lists. (Again Vilmantas noticed this)
DescTools 0.99.29 (2019-09-26)
- StrSpell() can translate a string to NATO phonetic alphabet or Morse codes.
- XLNamedReg() can be used to import named regions in Excel by giving the
name or the sequence number. This can be used in connection with XLGetRange().
- WithOptions() is an interesting approach to evaluate expressions under
temporarily set options.
- With SaveAs() it's possible to save an R object under a different name.
- Quot() calculates successive divisions in the same way as diff() does with
successive differences.
- XLSaveAs() is a wrapper for saving the active workbook in MSExcel.
- SendOutlookMail() allows to easily send mails via MS Outlook.
- MultMerge() can merge multiple data frames using the rownames as key.
- PlotCandlestick() gets a more appropriate x-axis algorithm.
- XLGetRange() is given a new argument "skip" in order to be able to skip a
given number of heading rows in a selected range.
- YearDay will start with 1 on the first of January instead of 0 as so far.
- Several corrections in help texts.
- roulette, cards, tarot have been extended
- Format() will ignore scipen=0 by default, use scipen=1 in future.
- Format() will pass through the digits argument for formatting p-values
- SetNames() will use "names" for unnamed arguments as default instead of
returning the unchanged input vector.
- BlankIfNA() gets a new argument for defining what is meant with "blank".
- PseudoR2() is using reformulate() instead of update() in order to improve
interoperability within the tidyverse, especially support tibbles created
by purr::map. (Credits to Inferrator)
- ConvUnit() will now convert time units to weeks and vice versa.
- AUC() gains new arguments according to its original version in package MESS.
(Credits to Claus Ekstrom and Tatiana Lust)
- plot(Desc()) for xtabs will work now.
- OddsRatio for glms would have misplaced confidence intervals, if
a coefficient in the model could not be estimated and was set to NA.
- Calculation of AldrichNelson Pseudo R2 has been corrected
(credits to Chirok Han).
- FileOpenCmd(), SaveAsDlg(), ModelDlg(), ColPicker(), ColorDlg(),
ImportFileDlg(), PlotPar(), PlotMar(), PlotPch(), SelectVarDlg(), Xplore()
have been transferred to the package DescToolsAddIns, as these functions
presumably only make sense in a GUI context.
- IsValidWrd() has been replaced by IsValidHwnd(), which can be used to
generally check Windows handles (at least for Office applications).
DescTools 0.99.28 (2019-03-17)
- Freq2D() calculates a frequency distribution for two continuous variables.
- BlankIfNA() and NAIfBlank() do for characters what ZeroIfNA() does for
numeric values.
- TMod() uses a new order for the coefficients. They are returned in
sequence of their first appearance in the provided models.
- ModelDlg() supports sorting and filtering of the variables now.
- Lc() gains a predict() interface to estimate Lorenz curves for new percentages.
- PlotQQ() gets a better algorithm for calculating confidence interval bands.
- SplitPath gets a more general regex pattern to separate the extension from
the filename.
- StrExtract allows for Perl-like regex patterns now.
- BarText() will handle vectors and 1d arrays correctly now.
- ModSummary() for lms did not handle NAs in coefficient list correctly.
DescTools 0.99.27 (2019-01-19)
- Divisors() returns the divisors of an integer.
- ConvUnit() converts non-SI units and SI units supporting prefixes.
- WrdSaveAs() is a wrapper for saving documents in MS-Word.
- MeanDiffCI() gets a new argument sides for one sided confidence intervals.
And so do BinomCI(), BinomDiffCI(), MultinomCI(), PoissonCI().
- PlotDot will use slightly different defaults.
- The legend in PlotLinesA can have a title now.
- ToWrd() gets an argument "bullet" in order to insert a bullet list.
- CollapseTable() will accept missing names now.
- HexToRgb() will accept RRGGBBAA (containing an alpha channel) definitions now.
- ZeroIfNa() will not coerce an integer to numeric anymore.
- WrdCaption() will not insert superfluous NAs anymore.
- Hmean()'s one sided confidence intervals are no longer reversed.
- PlotLinesA() will respect x and y arguments now.
- PlotMiss() had a suboptimal handling of marginal texts.
- McKelveyZavoina's pseudo R2 would not have been correctly calculated when
using a factor as reponse variable.
- UnitConv() has been replaced by ConvUnit().
- Lookup() failed the functionality test. Nothing more than match().
DescTools 0.99.26 (2018-11-13)
- ToXL() allows to export data.frames to XL more easily and flexibly.
- dir.choose() does for directories what file.choose() does for files.
- xlConst is a list of a few useful Excel VBA constants.
- SMAPE() has been around for quite a while. It also is exported now.
- Sample() is a wrapper for sample(), adding an option to sample from data.frames.
SampleTwins() will be integrated in Sample() in near future.
- DoBy() is a more flexible replacement for PartitionBy().
- Dot(), Cross() and CrossN() can be used for vector geometry tasks.
- Outliers() gets a new argument value allowing to return the indices of the
- TOne() looses its NUMTEST argument and gets a new TEST argument in order to
make the definition of tests more flexible. The p-value can now be formatted
with fmt.pval.
- TMod() and OddsRatio() get a plot function to compare coefficients and
confidence intervals.
- GetNewXL() will start with a new workbook now.
- Format() accepts functions as argument "fmt" from now on.
- Format() will recyle arguments when formatting data.frames, allowing to have
different formats for different columns.
- PlotQQ() gets an argument datax to flip the x and y axis - as qqplot() also has.
- OddsRatio.glm() gets an argument "use.profile" in order to skip profiling when
calculating confidence intervals (which can take very long time to complete).
- BinomDiffCI() gets new methods for calculating confidence intervals for a
difference of proportions ("mee", "mn", "ha", "scorecc"). At the same time
BinomCI() has been extended by the needed method "wilsoncc" (Wilson with
continuity correction).
- Desc() will not show an error for variables of class Date containing just one
unique value.
- TMod() did not parse the model labels correctly.
- BinomDiffCI() would not have returned correct results for a difference of 0.
(Thanks to Stephen Roberts, who with his enquiry brought about the completion
of the function.)
- PartitionBy() has been replaced by DoBy().
DescTools 0.99.25 (2018-08-14)
- GeomSn() calculates the elements of a geometric series.
- UnirootAll() is a simple extension of uniroot which extracts many
(presumably all) roots in an interval.
- A handful new financial functions have been included: PMT(), IPMT(),
PPMT(), RBAL() for periodic payment for an annuity, SLN(), DB(), SYD()
for calculating depreciation.
- XLCurrReg() can be used to import current regions in Excel with only
a left upper cell address.
- TwoGroups() describes a numeric variable by a factor with two levels.
- PlotCashFlow() creates a simple depiction for the timing of cash flows.
- WrdPageBreak() inserts a page break at the cursor position.
- Winsorize() gains an argument "type" to choose the quantile algorithm.
- NPV() has been vectorized for the argument i.
- IRR() allows to enter the interval for the solutions being searched in and
uses UnirootAll() to find all the solutions.
- OddRatio() gets an interface for glms to produce an odds ratio result table for
logistic regression objects.
- ModSummary() gets an interface for OddsRatio produced by OddsRatio() and TMod()
supports the comparison of OddsRatios.
- PoissonCI() gets a new method "byar" for confidence intervals.
- VarCI() gains a new method "bonett" giving intervals with improved coverage in
nonnormal distributions.
- StrVal() gets an optimized regex (Credits to Markus Naepflin)
- plot.desc() for numeric ~ factor offers another plot type consisting of a density
plot and a boxplot.
- Phrase() can remove NAs now.
- Bivariate Desc() for numeric ~ factor allows to freely choose the test to be used.
- XLView() gains an argument "preserveStrings", to prevent factors or characters
to be converted to numeric when imported in Excel.
- "Additional_repositories" has been changed from
to, as the service in Oxford is no longer provided.
- TOne() will display the legend also when marginal results are omitted.
DescTools 0.99.24 (2018-03-19)
- CountCompCases() returns the number of complete cases in a data frame and
a table with all the missing of the single variables, as well as the number
of complete cases we would receive, if the variable was omitted.
- SplitAt() splits a vector at given positions.
- Append() is used to append elements to a vector, rows/columns to a matrix
and columns to a data.frame in the in the same sense as append().
- Add some new univariate parametric extreme value distributions with their
distribution, quantile and density functions.
- Wald-Wolfowitz-test may produce inconsistent results if ties exist between
two samples. A warning will now be displayed for such cases.
(Credits to Vilmantas Gegzna)
- PlotCorr() gets a main argument, which places the main title in a better
- Recode() will accept integer definitions for the groups of levels to collapse.
A new argument num will return numeric values.
- Shade() gets a upgrade on the expression interface again. It now uses the
same logic as is implemented in curve().
- PlotFaces() receives a face lifting.
- PercTable() will break long tables into multiple rows the same way
as table() does when it's printed.
- ModelDlg() will edit an already existing formula when selected.
- TOne() gains a new argument "intref" defining the values to be reported for
dichotomous numeric and boolean variables.
- StrVal() gets an additional argument "dec" allowing to use a userdefined
decimal point when parsing the text.
- XLGetRange() gains a "na.strings" argument for replacing NA characters by real NAs.
- identify.formula() would have omitted NAs while preparing the model.frame
and so might have returned wrong rownumbers. It will now by default pass
NAs if the argument has not been set.
- Gmean will return 0 if any element of x is zero now.
- Desc.character would not have passed the plots when output to MS-Word.
- InsCol() and InsRow() have been condensed into Append(), which is more
general and more flexible.
- PlotMatrix() has not been used and was obsolete.
DescTools 0.99.23 (2017-12-11)
- TTestA() will calculate a Student t-test using given sample statistics
rather than actual data.
- NAIfZero is defined to revert ZeroIfNA().
- FixToTab() has been renamed to FixToTable() due to naming consistency
- ChooseColorDlg() has been renamed to ColDlg()
- The names for StuartTauC(), GoodmanGamma() results have been
consequently set to and
- Shade loses the argument xlim for the new one named breaks and can
now shade multiple areas.
- A Rev interface for data.frames has been added.
- PlotPyramid() gets a new argument rev and does return the result invisibly.
- SortMixed() and OrderMixed have been updated with newest gtools version.
- TOne() will consequently report the reference level for dichotomic factors.
- TMod() will use modelnames for the table now.
- BinomCI() will finally use rownames for a resulting matrix.
- Between and Outside functions (%[]%, %)[%, ...) accept dates now.
- Trim() mixed up the order of the response vector and did not return
correct results. (Credits to Bastien Ferland-Raymond)
- Conf() did not return the correct detection prevalence.
- PlotBinTree() would not have placed the text correctly in the horizontal
- Str() would not have passed ... args to str, as stated in help.
- PlotLinesA() would not have set supplied margins.
- IsZero() would mistakenly have returned TRUE for negative values.
- ToWrd.table will place the title right behind the table instead at the
end of the document.
DescTools 0.99.22 (2017-09-13)
- Timezone() extracts the timezone from a POSIXct object.
- SetNames() can set rownames, columnnames or simply names.
- PercentRank() calculates percent ranks.
- PlotCorr() gets a new argument "mincor" for preventing small
correlations from being displayed.
- PlotBubble() would use better graphical functions to display the bubbles.
- BubbleLegend() offers some more arguments.
- LogSt() can now do what LogLin could.
- PolarGrid() offers more control for axis labels.
- WrdTableBorders() gets arguments for width and color of the borders.
- ModelDlg() would not have returned long data.frames correctly.
- Freq() would not have calculated percentages, when NAs were to be included
and a userdefined order was desired.
- Date() was needless, as ISODate does the same job.
- Exec(x), consisting out of eval(parse(text=x)) did not contain enough
functionality to justify an own function.
- Same applies to AddClass() and RemoveClass().
- ClipToVect() read the clipboard and printed the enquoted content.
This operation is implemented in DescToolsAddIns::Enquote() resulting in
a more usable approach.
- LogLin() has been integrated in LogSt() with an option for the base.
- LogGen is not needed anymore.
- SetRowNames(), SetColNames() have been condensed into SetNames().
- LsData() did not survive the "functionality" check, data() can do
everything it could.
DescTools 0.99.21 (2017-06-29)
- lines.lm() would not have handled transformed predictors.
- XLGetRange() gets an argument to determine date columns.
- Two new methods for MultinomCI() implemented: wald, wilson.
- PseudoR2() will work with vglms by now.
- PseudoR2 for multinom models did not always return a value.
- PlotFdist did not synchronize the main xlims to a h-plot.
- Adapted a supposed inconsistency in BinomCI "modified Wilson".
(Credits to Andre Gillibert)
- PercTable mismatched the names of columns and rows, when we would
have changed the column order.
- Vignettes had not been compiled by v.0.99.20.
- StrRep() does not offer more functionality than strrep() and has
therefore been removed.
DescTools 0.99.20 (2017-04-18)
- VonNeumannTest() testing for the randomness of a sequence has been added.
- VecShift() shifts the elements of a vector, filling the opened positions
with NAs.
- New functions InsRow() and InsCol() will quickly insert vectors in a matrix.
- New ConoverTest() posthoc test can be used as alternative to DunnTest().
- ModelDlg() displays a dialog for interactively composing a model formula.
- PlotQQ() gets new arguments for adding a confidence band.
- Parameter n in VecRot() has been renamed to k.
- digits will be passed through to PercTable() from Desc().
- ParseSASDatlines() accepts "cards" in addition to "datalines" now.
- PlotFdist() loses its "do.hist" argument. The bar chart for counts can be
required with args.hist(type="mass") now.
- BarText() gains an implementation for unstacked bars.
- XLGetRange() gains a new argument echo for printing the used command.
- Further changes due to CRANs updated policies.
- Mean.Freq() slipped through quality control last time...
- median.factor() has been transferred to Median.factor().
DescTools 0.99.19 (2017-02-11)
- Unwhich() returns a logical vector with TRUEs on given positions (inverse which()).
- BootCI() is a wrapper for calculating simple bootstrap confidence intervals for
univariate and bivariate measures.
- MatrixPower %^% from expm has been added.
- PlotDev() is a wrapper useful for creating graphic files (TIF, ...).
- AllSubsets() composes formulas and calculates brute force lms and glms.
- Mean.Freq() and Median.Freq() added for calculating mean and median from
grouped data.
- BarText() places text in stacked barplots.
- TitleRect() places a rectangular title in a plot.
- as.CDateFmt() converts "dd-mm-yy" format to C format codes.
- Phrase() assembles a small text for describing the means of two groups.
- CramerV() gets a new argument "method" for calculating confidence intervals by
using fisher transformation, which is considerably faster than using the noncentral
chisquare distribution for bigger n.
- As usual numerous updates in help files.
- KappaM() will run faster avoiding table function in a for loop.
- The data.frame interface of ToWrd() gets two new arguments, and row.names.
- Format() gains a new format option "frac" for displaying fractions (based on
- Format's results have the additional class "Format", which is used to define
a print function, displaying the values without quotes and aligned to the right.
(print(x, ..., quote=FALSE, right=TRUE))
- StrChop() gains a new argument pos for entering the positions of the cuts and
supports vectors of x now.
- StrCap() gains new method for capitalizing titles.
- PlotFun() experiences some slight adaptations in axes defaults.
- Desc will report the percentages for NAs and 0s.
- Desc.numeric looses the standard error for the mean and gains the according
confidence interval.
- TOne will accept a function for the test, allowing to change the used test
(typically aov or kruskal.test) and format the p value.
- TOne gets an argument to omit totals.
- WrdParagraphFormat(wrd=wrd) <- para would have prevented compilation on R-devel
because of the named argument. (Credits to Tomas Kalibera)
- TOne() would have mixed up footnote signs for numeric tests.
- Hmean() returned 1/mean(x) instead 1/mean(1/x) since 0.99.18. (Credits to
Christian Koot)
- LOCF() would not have returned leading NAs in a vector correctly. (Credits to
Daniel Wollschlaeger)
- Desc data.frame displayed a title with multiple lines for long definitions.
DescTools 0.99.18 (2016-11-04)
- ColumnWrap wraps texts within columns. This allows data.frames with wide
texts to be printed wrapped over several lines in the same column.
- Abstract() generates a somewhat less technical summary of a data.frame than str().
- CoefVar() returning the coefficient of variation gains an interface
for lm- and aov-objects.
- WrdTableRange, WrdMergeCells, WrdFormatCells are functions useful to format
cells in a Word table.
- Unit has the same function as Label, but for units.
- Some does for n random elements of an object what head does for the first n.
- PalDescTools has been renamed to Pal.
- The DescTools palettes can be plotted now by plot(Pal(i)).
- PlotMar will finally plot the margins.
- StrExtract extracts a part of string, accepting regexp patterns.
- Shade is a function for shading the area under a function curve.
- Arrow will draw and error with customized arrowheads.
- Asp returns the aspect ratio of the current plot.
- LineToUser converts lines to user coordinates.
- PlotLog creates log grid.
- axTicks.Date returns the tick positions for a Date axis.
- A handful new functions for validating GLMs have been added: PseudoR2, MAE,
- A new function Fmt() returns user defined format templates. as.fmt() creates
the structure for such formats.
- ModSummary() and TMod() build a table of given linear models, useful to compare.
- HosmerLemeshowTest used for testing glms has been integrated.
- GeomTrans() can be used to transform a geometric structure by translating,
scaling and rotating.
- Basic linear modeling functions VIF() and StdCoef() have been added.
- Numerous updates in help files.
- digits argument is now passed through to Format.
- now makes use of the new function Abstract() instead
of old str() for giving the initial overview.
- XLGetWorkbook has been brushed up to return all data areas in an Excel
Workbook as list.
- XLGetRange will now do what was promised in the help when no range is defined.
- FileOpenCmd gets new format options compared to old ImportDlg.
- PlotFdist gets a new logic for the y-axis of its histogram.
- Palette has been reorganised. PalHelsana, PalTibco etc. have been replaced by
Pal("Helsana") etc. Pal() takes its default value from the options("palette").
'Pal()<-' can be used to set the option.
- Mean and Var get a new argument weights for weighted mean, resp. weighted variance.
- Trim will not longer return a sorted vector. The indices of the trimmed values
will now be returned in an attribute "trim".
- Rotate accepts xy.coords and returns the same class (instead of a list).
- Rotate will choose the centroid of the given polygon instead of the fixed
point (0,0) and gets a new argument allowing to define the aspect ratio.
- DrawRegPolygon returns a xy.coords object instead of a list.
- PlotLinesA will use lines instead of usr coordinates for placing the
legend text. The distance of line segements can now be controlled in more
- DescToolsOptions have been fundamentally reorganized, as they were grown
organically and organized chaotically (for not saying: not organized at all ...).
See ?DescToolsOptions for all the details.
"fixedfont" must now be defined as list, "footnote", "col" are now vectors instead
single values and formats (fmt) are organized as list. (see also new function Fmt()).
- In Gini() x will be casted to numeric avoiding overflow for large integer vectors.
- Hmean() and Gmean() get an option for calculating confidence intervals.
- lines.Lc for plotting Lorenz curve gets a CI-option.
- StrDist gets an argument.
- Functions using ConDis for calculating concordant discordant pairs, as
Kendall Tau-B, Somers Delta and Stuart Tau-C, will run much faster
with a O(n log(n)) implementation (as long as no CIs are needed).
- IsDichotomous gets a new argument strict for checking for strictly two levels
and a na.rm argument, which is set to FALSE by default.
- PairApply simply overwrote the diagonal with 1, which was inappropriate.
Functions are now also evaluated for diagonal elements.
- TOne would not have displayed column names, in case there were only
boolean variables in the data.frame to describe. (credits to Beat Bruengger)
- CombN used a wrong formula for the number of permutions with no
repetitions respecting order. (credits to Carlos Redondo-Figuero)
- PlotDot erroneously reversed the order of datapoints, when simultaneously
supplied with group data and error bars.
- TOne would not have displayed variables with just one unique value.
- The data.frame interface for Label was ambiguous. A data.frame is now
treated like any other object.
- SetLabel made no longer sense, since Label and 'Label<-' had been defined.
- ImportDlg has been renamed to FileOpenCmd as it had nothing to do with import
of data.
- WrdText has definitely been replaced by ToWrd.
- WrdR has always been a code study and has been removed.
- PlotHorizBar has been removed. barplot can do everyhing it could...
- Ray has been redesigned to Abstract().
- DrawAnnulus, DrawAnnulusSector have been condensed into DrawCircle.
- RobRange has been condensed into Range.
DescTools 0.99.17 (2016-06-15)
- RomanToInt was a sadly missed and long-awaited converting function.
- StrRep repeats and concatenates a string n times.
- AddClass and RemoveClass allow to quickly add and remove a class.
- ORToRelRisk returns the relative risk for a given OR and a marginal frequency.
- New option "digfix" for the number of fixed digits is used in result tables.
- Conf gets interfaces for lda and qda.
- ToWrd gets an interface for ftables.
- XLView gets a new default for the argument rownames, which will
now be FALSE by default.
- PlotFdist gets a new argument args.curve.ecdf allowing to superpose
a function to the ecdf-plot.
- PlotFdist's default argument for the bw of the density curve changes to
bw = "SJ", which turns out to be the better default for n < 1000.
- Large and Small have been recoded in C++ (thanks to Nathan Russel) to run
faster and get a renamed argument (na.last instead of na.rm).
So far they are supposed be the fastest on the market...
- PartCor has been renamed to CorPart, as it can be better found with that name.
- Format gets a new format code "eng" for engineering format.
- StrDist gets an additional method "normalized levensthein".
- PlotMultiDens gets an additional parameter fill for coloring the areas.
- PlotWeb gets a lwd argument for defining freely the lined widths.
- In Recode the argument newlevels is replaced by the dots argument. This
is the same rationale as in Rename.
*** This change has the potential to break existing code, I apologize! ***
- Numerous updates in help files.
- Desc for variables with only one value won't raise an error any more.
- Conf for rpart will find the reference now.
- Bug fixed in BreslowDayTest (credits to Michael Hoehle and Jean-Francois Bouzereau)
- WrdCaption would not have assigned the style to paragraph. (thanks to Mathias Frueh)
- Desc.integer did not handle maxrows correct (thanks to David L. Carlson)
- Overlap did not correctly return the overlaping period, as stated in the helpfile.
DescTools 0.99.16 (2016-03-07)
- Lookup wraps the function "match" offering a slim interface.
- New options "lang", "stamp" and "PalDefault" available. "lang" defines the
default language for daynames when used by Format, stamp optionally places
a timestamp on plots.
- Kendall's tau-a now implemented.
- BreuschGodfreyTest for autocorrelation integrated.
- VarTest implements a one sample chisquare test for variance.
- New plot function for binary tree in PlotBinTree.
- PalDefault will return the default palette, which can be set as option.
- WrdParagraphFormat can be used to define a paragraph format in Word.
- WrdFont and WrdFont<- replace old WrdSetFont and WrdGetFont
- ToWrd wraps some old Wrdxyz functions and can be used to beam objects
from R to Word. This will replace WrdText and WrdTable functions in future.
- Desc.table for higher dimensional tables gets its ChiSquare test back again.
- Several corrections and adaptations to the help files.
- GoodmanKruskalTauA has been renamed to the more specific GoodmanKruskalTau.
- StrAlign gets a new interface for left, right and center alignment. See help.
- AddMonths has been splitted in two: AddMonths (for dates) and AddMonthsYM for integers.
The ceiling option has been removed, as it was useless. All the rest of the
arguments are now being recycled.
- RoundM has been renamed to RoundTo.
- PlotRCol has been renamed to ColPicker and gets a new argument "locator".
- Desc has been conceptually rewritten to follow clearer S3 class design and
to be more consistent in the arguments (while improving performance).
A print and a plot method are now available. PlotDesc(x) has
therefore been replaced by plot(Desc(x)).
(I fear this has the potential to break your code, I apologise for that ...)
- The class interfaces .default, .formula etc. are by default not exported anymore.
This applies to the function PageTest, LeveneTest, JonckheereTerpstraTest,
CochranTest, HotellingsT2Test, DunnTest, DunnetTest, MosesTest, NemenyiTest,
PostHocTest, YuenTTest, ZTest, SignTest, RunsTest, ScheffeTest,
MeanDiffCI, Format, Label, Rev, Sort, PercTable, Lc, EtaSq, PlotArea,
PlotMultiDens, PlotBubble, PlotViolin, Lc, LOCF, Untable, WrdTable.
Use methods and/or DescTools:::MyTest.default to address, if in rare cases needed.
- Old PlotDesc.factor's argument ecdf gets another default value.
- StrRight and StrLeft will accept negative n number of characters for cutting
characters either right or left.
- ToWide can now merge several parts of a data.frame by a key.
- PlotLines gain new arguments pch, pch.col, etc. for superposing points.
- DunnTest gets an "alternative" argument, the default p-value changes from "one-sided"
to "two-sided".
- MeanCI, MedianCI and VarCI get a new argument "sides" for one sided confidence intervals.
- PlotFdist displays the mean and its confidence intervall by default in the boxplot.
- BarnardTest and BartelsRankTest have other alternative options.
- Documentation of GoodmanKruskalTau cited the wrong formula.
- Corrected gcc-UBSAN issue with big integers in GCD.
- PlotDot mistakenly reversed the order of labels, when defined as vector and did not
handle groups correctly.
- Hmean reported an error, when supplied with a NA vector, instead of simply
returning NA and shut up.
- Desc.numeric would not always have sorted the whole vector, which in some cases
resulted in incorrect unique and extreme values.
- StrAlign would not alwas have trimmed white space on the right side.
- Leading zeros and big.mark can not be used together in Format.
- DoCounts should get an O(n log(n)) implementation, containig std. errors.
- We have not reached our goal yet - documentation is still not finalized, some functions
not tested thoroughly enough, others have rather a proof of concept status -
but we are well on our way to achieving it. Systematic check over all
function interfaces, ensuring consistency with R-standards and DescTools
conventions will be performed next.
- WrdTable will now do the job of old WrdAddTable.
- WrdGetFont and WrdSetFont have been replaced by WrdFont and 'WrdFont<-'
DescTools 0.99.15 (2015-10-25)
- BarnardTest calculating Barnard's unconditional test for superiority
applied to 2x2 contingency tables.
- FindColor will not use pretty for min.x and max.n anymore.
- PlotMosaic gains new arguments cex and las and better defaults.
- Corrected (hopefully) the last valgrind issue.
DescTools 0.99.14 (2015-10-12)
- new function %like any% has been defined according to the usual SQL logic
- PlotMiss creates a graphical representation of the position of missings.
- SmoothSpline implements a formula interface for smooth.spline.
- ErrBars will accept a kx3-matrix as from argument and use the first as mid,
the second as from and the third as to argument.
- PlotHorizBar will automatically adapt the left margin to the width of the labels.
- Desc.table will now report ChiSquare test results with cont. correction
only for 2x2 tables (and without contcorr for rxc tables) by default.
- Desc.table gains a conf.level argument, allowing to pass that to OddsRatio, Assocs etc.
- DescNumNum will only display the given function y ~ x anymore (leaving out x ~ y).
The smoother can now be set to "loess"" or to "spline".
- PlotDesc.table will interpret col1, col2 as a vector of colors for the two mosaics,
instead of two colors spanning a color ramp.
- MarginTable has been renamed to Margins, to delimit it from margin.table.
- IsLeapYear accepts integers instead only dates as argument.
- Stamp looses the arguments wdpath and time, wheras txt can be defined
more flexible either as expression or as free text.
- Desc.numeric would not have reported the correct number of zeros, in case zero was
the smallest value in x.
DescTools 0.99.13 (2015-08-25)
- Fix for a serious memory-access error (thanks to B. Ripley).
DescTools 0.99.12 (2015-08-21)
- TextToTable tries to turn a table like text into a table.
- New vignettes "Tables in R", "Combinatorics" have been added.
- StrAlign will align strings on a specific character.
- CombSet generates all combinations of a set x with/without replacement, resp. order.
- CombN returns the number of combinations with/without replacement, resp. order.
- DoCall is a faster alternative for All formula interfaces and many other
functions will profit by it. PlotFdist runs 4 times faster for n ~ 1e6.
- SetRowNames, SetColNames do for rows and columns what setNames does for lists.
- PlotECDF plots empirical cumulative distribution function faster than plot.ecdf.
- Mbind has been replaced by Abind which is more flexible (and I was not aware of before).
- Format templates have been introduced for Desc functions. It now is possible to
choose user defined number formats.
- TOne creates a simple first table, describing baseline characteristics.
- New imports from Rcpp.
- Eps returns Greenhouse-Geisser And Huynh-Feldt Epsilons.
- PlotMosaic creates a mosaicplot with reasonable labels (so far for a two-way table only).
- PDFManual gets a pdf manual of a package directly from CRAN.
- Conf will additionally report F1-Score.
- Winsorize will run 40% faster not using pmin, pmax.
- HotellingsT2Test's interface underwent some slight changes.
- Desc.numeric will no longer report normal.test result, which always
had been debatable (discouraged by W. Stahel).
- GCD and LCM are coded in C++, making them considerably faster. (credits to Dirk Eddelbuettel)
- As usual some adaptations to new R-Devel.
- StrPad's argument width gets a default value NULL, taking the maximum length of x.
- Desc has been fundamentally redesigned to avoid redundant calculations.
Expensive parts has been coded in C++. Some functions will run up to 10-times faster.
- DunnettTest would not have passed additional arguments from formula interface correctly.
(The same in DunnTest and NemenyiTest.)
- XL Selection()$Address would not always have returned all selected areas.
- OddsRatio didn't add 0.5 in case there were zeros as described in help.
- DecToOct would not have returned correct results, when x was submitted as character.
- is back, enabling PlotCirc to work correctly again.
- Format would not always have set the correct width.
- Stamp would not have set xpd=TRUE resulting in the text not being displayed.
- GetAllSubsets has been replaced by the more flexible function CombSet.
- GetPairs has been renamed to CombPairs, which seemed more intuitive.
- PlotDotCI and PlotDotCIp have been integrated in the more flexible PlotDot.
See examples for replacing.
DescTools 0.99.11 (2015-05-15)
- PlotDot is an extended version of dotchart with the option to draw error bars.
- CorPolychor returns the polychoric correlation.
- Nemenyi's test for multiple comparisons after a Kruskal-Wallis test has been added.
- Conf creates a confusion matrix of observed and predicted values.
- Sens and Spec return sensitivity and specificity of a confusion matrix.
- SplitPath will split a path in its components.
- ImportFileDlg will import files from SPSS, SAS etc by means of a dialog.
- power.chisq.test calculating the power of a ChiSquare test has been added.
- as.matrix.xtabs turns xtabs into an identifiable matrix.
- GTest for count data has been added.
- PlotFct has been renamed to PlotFun which seems more intuitive.
- SaveAs has been renamed to SaveAsDlg to follow the packages naming conventions.
- PlotFaces gets a new col argument for using colours.
- MoveAvg gets a new argument "endrule" and the result will be the same class as x.
- ParseSASDatalines gets a new option to directly generate the dataset with the given
data name in the global environment.
- Rev does now support higher dimensional tables or arrays. With this change the argument
direction has been replaced by margin, which works in the same manner as in margin.table.
The data.frame interface has been removed (practically not used).
- ToLong will now set rownames, expanded from columnnames and rownames of the original data.
- HuberM gets a new interface, hiding some technical arguments and adding the option
for confidence intervals.
- Strata has been partly rewritten, but some previously available methods are not
yet implemented.
- Bug in CohenD fixed.
- ColorLegend would erroneously have reversed the colour labels.
- WrdDesc.table did not correctly produce the plot.
- tcltk has been moved from imports to suggests, as loading DescTools in RStudio under
linux would sometimes have hung (credits to Henk Harmsen for telling).
- Classic confidence intervals for skewness and kurtosis used pnorm instead of qnorm :-(
DescTools 0.99.10 (2015-03-21)
- SaveAs brings up file.choose for saving a R object.
- Explore is back again, as the package "manipulate" is on CRAN meanwhile.
- DurbinWatsonTest for autocorrelation added.
- The date functions have been changed to use as.POSIXlt for better performance.
- DrawBand will accept matrices of coordinates.
- Impute gets other default values. Now the median(x, na.rm=TRUE) will be used.
- Small and Large have been redesigned to run faster.
- Calculation of winsorized variance, used for confidence intervals for trimmed
means in MeanCI, is much faster for large x.
- Format code restrictions for dates have been formulated more liberal such as
to allow formats like "yyyymmdd".
- Desc.numeric will no longer refuse to describe numeric vectors with
additional classes.
- XLGetRange's call attribute would only have returned the header instead of the
address(es) of the selected range(s).
- Desc.table for higher dimensional tables does not any more report
erroneously ChiSquare-Test results.
- Correcting several issues with new R-Devel.
DescTools 0.99.9 (2015-01-20)
- CollapseTable collapses levels within a table.
- Distributions dBenford and dRevGumbel have been added.
- PlotTernary creates triangle plots.
- CartToSph, SphToCart convert cartesian coordinates into spherical ones.
- LastDayOfMonth returns the date of the last day of the month.
- YuenTTest computes a robust t-Test by Yuen, using trimmed means and
winsorized variances.
- FindCorr finds strong correlations in a dataset.
- Exec wraps eval and parse and executes code given as text.
- ZeroIfNA replaces NAs by 0 (like the SQL function "zeroifnull")
- Impute will fill gaps with any desired value.
- PartitionBy mimics the SQL OLAP functions FUN(x) OVER (PARTITION BY grp).
- DenseRank calculates consecutive ranks without ties.
- XLKill kills a hidden XL task, which can't be closed otherwise.
- Agree quantifies the agreement of several raters.
- PostHocTest gets a new interface for tables, performing pairwise ChiSq-tests
with the option to adjust p-values for multiple testing.
- PostHocTest gains a new option "duncan", computing Duncan's MRT
- Dunn's test of multiple comparisons using rank sums added (DunnTest).
- DunnettTest performs a Dunnett multiple comparisons test.
- lines.smooth.spline does for this smoother, what lines.loess did for loess.
- RndPairs returns pairs of correlated random numbers.
- BubbleLegend creates a legend for bubble plots.
- Format combines the functionality of the old functions FormatFix and FormatSig
and adds some extensions like leading zeros and dates.
- CCC calculates Lin's concordance correlation coefficient for agreement.
- CoefVar yields the coefficient of variation and its confidence limits.
- CohenD calculates Cohen's effect size d and its confidence limits.
- BinomRatioCI calculates confidence intervals for the ratio of binomial and
multinomial proportions.
- The new function Overlap returns the extent of the overlapping part of two ranges.
- Min has been renamed to Minute and Sec to Second.
- Hour, Minute, Second do accept POSIXct times now.
- CorCI loses the argument *twotailed* and gains the argument *alternative*.
This is following the logic in other test- and CI-functions.
- Assocs has been redesigned to run faster (but it still has accelerating potential..)
- Untable has been extended to support frequency form of tables (a data.frame
with levels of the factors and a "Freq" column).
- XLGetRange returns the full call statement as attribute.
- OddsRatio will be calculated as log OR instead of simple OR, allowing bigger n.
(Well, David Meyer has been there long before, as I noticed lately...)
- AddMonths accepts a vector of dates.
- Trim accepts integer values on the argument trim. The function returns NA instead
of median(x), if trim is set to a value > 0.5, resp. n/2.
- Desc.table now reports missing values, if there are any.
- accepts a main vector, allowing the user to define his own main captions.
- Lorenz curve function Lc gains a formula interface for creating groupwise curves.
- PlotBubble gains a formula interface and some more arguments, e.g. args.legend.
- Mround has been renamed to RoundM, and gains a new argument FUN which allows
to define the rounding function (ceiling, floor, ..).
- EtaSq has been extended by Daniel Wollschlaeger (thanks).
- BinomCI uses rownames now. It gains further a new method "pratt".
- PlotVenn gains a new argument "labels". The argument "plot" has been renamed to "plotit"
(to be consistent with the package naming rules).
- Fibonacci has been redesigned to run faster.
- Kappam has been renamed to KappaM.
- TheilU's argument "method" has been renamed to "type".
- ICC gains a new argument "type" to choose a specific type of ICC.
- Agreement functions KendallW, KappaM, ICC, CronbachAlpha etc. have been harmonised.
- AreaIdent has been renamed to IdentifyA (which seems to be more intuitive).
- MeanCI has been enhanced to calculate confidence intervals for trimmed means.
- StrVal gains two new arguments paste and as.numeric.
- Many smaller changes on the documentation and helpfiles.
- PairApply argument "symmetric" gets another default value: "FALSE" instead of "TRUE".
This seems more robust, as the other way round potential errors are more likely.
- WhichNumerics, WhichFactors, WhichFlags are not needed anymore.
which(sapply(x, IsNumeric)), sapply(x, IsDichotmous), sapply(x, is.factor) do the job.
- DescFactFact is a relict and obsolete. Use of Desc.formula or Desc.table is recommended.
- FormatFix and FormatSig have been replaced by the new function Format.
- Explore has been removed because of its dependency for the package "manipulate"
(which is not on CRAN). It might be added again built on tcltk down the road.
- plotit was not correctly interpreted in Desc.factor (credits to Thomas Schlesinger).
- PlotVenn did not correctly place the figures in the 2-sample case (credits to Andrew Marritt).
DescTools (2014-09-22)
- Outlier has been changed to strictly following the boxplot logic.
- DescToolsOptions gains a default argument allowing to reset the options.
- WrdText allows to set some paragraph format and text color now.
- anyNA is only defined for R >= 3.1, the according dependency has been defined.
- the key.ico file has been placed in /extdata directory and should definitely
be found now by the function PasswordDlg(). (shame on me..)
DescTools 0.99.8 (2014-09-20)
- Outside operators, e.g. %][%, are checking if values lie outside a given range.
- StrPos gives the first found position of a string in another string.
- LOF yields the local outlier factor (Breuning, 2000) of a matrix using k neighbours.
- NPV and IRR calculate the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return.
OPR calculates the one period simple or log returns.
- DiffDays360 calculates the difference of two dates using the 360-days algorithm.
- Vigenere implements a simple vigenere encryption algorithm.
- Some more time functions added: Now, Today, Hour, Min, Sec.
- IsLeapYear tests what it promises to.
- HmsToSec, SecToHms convert h:m:s times to seconds and vice versa.
- UnitConv convert some commonly used units.
- MixColor gets a mixture of two colors.
- Trim cuts extreme values from a vector x as used for calculating a trimmed mean.
- Stuart-Maxwell computes a marginal homogeneity test. LehmacherTest does the same.
- ScheffeTest returns the results of a multiple comparisons Scheffe test.
NewmanKeulsTest does the same based on Tukey's HSD test.
- PostHocTest is a wrapper for the most frequently used post hoc tests in ANOVA,
including FisherLSD, Bonferroni (Dunn), TukeyHSD, (Student-)Newman-Keuls and Scheffe.
- New function EtaSq calculates the effect sizes for ANOVAs.
- Several new tests added: HotellingsT2Test, BartelsRankTest.
- Keywords reports the keywords of a manual page.
- SysInfo displays some information about system and environment.
- Recyle recyles a list of elements to the maximal dimension found in the whole list.
- The function Explore(data.frame) allows a little bit of interactive plotting.
- PlotFct helps to plot mathematical expressions or functions.
- ToLong, ToWide are two simple functions for reshaping a vector.
- Mar allows to set single plot margins while leaving the others unchanged.
- New data: d.period contains the Periodic System of the Elements.
- ParseSASDatalines reads SAS datalines in a data.frame.
- MarginTable wraps margin.table and calculates all of them, percentages included.
- PlotHorizBars gains new arguments "height" and "add".
- PlotQQ includes a qqline now.
- Bivariate Desc-functions gain a plotit argument.
- Between operators will accept multiple ranges making them more flexible.
- The runs test has been extended to 2 samples (Wald-Wolfowitz-Test). The p-value is
now calculated exact for small sample sizes.
- Kurt and Skew, computing kurtosis and skewness, are running 15-times faster using C-code.
- Lorenz curves will now report Gini coefficient.
- The function "AddErrBars" has been renamed to "ErrBars".
- The function "AddLm" has been redesigned to "lines.lm".
- The function "AddLoess" has been redesigned to "lines.loess".
- AddConnLines has been renamed to "ConnLines" and gains a new argument xalign, which allows
to add lines to a barplot which are aligned to the middle of the bars.
- The argument "quant" in CutQ has been renamed to "probs", according to the naming in quantile.
- PlotFdist has a new option "curve" to be used to add e.g. a normal density
curve to the histogram.
- AndersonDarlingTest calculation logic was replaced with the newer Marsaglia approach.
(I'm not sure, whether this was wise. Tell me what you think about that!)
- JarqueBeraTest gains a new argument *robust*, calculation a robust version of the test.
- StrPad has been given recycling power for all arguments. The "str" argument has
been renamed to "pad".
- The argument "type" in MeanCI, MeanDiffCI, MedianCI, VarCI has been renamed to "method"
such as to be consistent with others CIs.
- The argument verb in Desc.table has been renamed to "verbose" and its allowed
values to "medium", "low" and "high". Anyhow this change will not break existing
code, as abbreviation is allowed.
- Desc-functions have been cleared out, resulting in better consistency and faster
and more robust behaviour.
- LOCF gets a faster implementation.
- Bug corrected for Cramer's V confidence intervals.
Credits to Steven J. Pierce for spotting the problem and to Michael Smithson for
fixing it.
- The icon file for the PasswordDlg could not be found resulting in the dialog not
being displayed.
- PlotFdist did not handle args.boxplot = NA correctly, meaning no boxplot being displayed.
- Hmean will now report NA if any x < 0.
- LsFct did not only list the functions but all objects of a package.
- StrChop did not chop the last part of the string correctly.
- DescWrd would not have run on Word versions other than German because of a local
template name. This should be fixed for all language versions now.
DescTools 0.99.7 (2014-05-04)
- MoveAvg calculates the moving average of a vector x.
- WrdInsTab creates a table in a MS-Word document (Windows only).
- Large/Small return the kth largest/smallest values of a vector x.
- PtInPoly checks whether points lie within a defined polygon or not. (credits to SDMTools)
- IsWeekend does what you'd expect it to.
- StrAbbr abbreviates strings from the right while ensuring that they remain unique.
- PalDescTools collects a few more palettes.
- BinomDiffCI yields the confidence interval for a difference of proportions.
- Outlier returns a vector of values marked as outliers in boxplot.
- StrVal extracts all numbers out of a string.
- SampleTwins draws a sample with comparable strata properties.
- PasswordDlg brings up a dialog to enter a password while displaying only ***.
- KendallW calculates Kendall's coefficient of concordance.
- KrippAlpha calculates Krippendorfs' Alpha reliability coefficient.
- PlotQQ plots a QQ-plot for a variable with an assumed distribution.
- PlotGACF will not plot ACF(0) any more. Lags instead of phases will be used for
ts-objects as x-axis.
- Desc.integer looses its maxlevels argument and gains "maxrows" and "freq". See help.
- TukeyBiweight gains a na.rm argument and has been changed to use .Call
instead of old fashioned .C function.
- MeanDiffCI gains a formula interface.
- HighLow uses a more efficient algorithm, based on the function Large/Small.
- PlotWeb gains a couple of new arguments, making it more flexible.
- AreaIdent gains a new argument poly. With poly=TRUE a polygon instead of a
rectangle can be used to select the interesting points.
- PlotCorr gains a border and lwd argument, allowing a grid being added.
- ZTest has been extended with the option to handle 2 sample tests in the same manner
as the function t.test().
Moreover a formula interface has been added.
- PpAddSlide will now set a newly inserted slide as active slide.
- The artificial data.frame has been given more structure between the variables.
- AddLm(x, y, ...) created the wrong formula x ~ y instead of the correct y ~ x model.
- Corrected bug in function StrDist: wrong initialisation for Levenshtein distance.
- Corrected a bug in BinomCI identified by Steven Kern in the modified Jeffreys interval
for binomial proportions.
- AddConnLines confused the space argument between horiz=FALSE and horiz=TRUE.
- shapiro.test would have stopped the Desc procedure, if a variable had only identical values.
This has been corrected so, that the error message will be printed, while the
function Desc will proceed to describe remaining variables.
- PoissonCI was not yet fully implemented.
DescTools 0.99.6 (2014-01-07)
- first version published on CRAN - 07.01.2014